This operation allows to consult any EviMails existing in the system by the following fields:
- WithUniqueIds [optional]: List of identifiers (UniqueId) separated by "," for evidences for query.
- WithLookupKeys [optional]: List of locators (LookupKey) for evidences for query.
WithLinkedId [Optional]: It is used to retrieve a list of evidence related to the same LinkedId, for example evidence that makes up a batch of shipments.
- OnState: It returns only those messages that are in the specified processing state (New, Ready, Read, Sent, Answered, Closed, Failed, Unknown). Contact support (support@evicertia.com) to use this parameter.
- WithOutcome: It returns only those messages that have delivered the specified state (New, Certified, Dispatched, Sent, Delayed, Relayed, Expanded, Delivered, Read, Accepted, Rejected, Failed). Contact support (support@evicertia.com) to use this parameter.
- Limit [optional]: Maximum number of items to be returned. (Default value = 100).
- Offset [optional]: It allows to page the results and only those results from the specified result will be returned.
- IncludeAffidavits [optional] (True (1) o False (0)): It specifies whether your list of Affidavits should be included in the result delivered.
- IncludeAffidavitBlobs [optional] (True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether the bytes of Affidavits should be included in the result. Default value = False.
- IncludeAttachments [optional] (True (1) o False (0)): It specifies whether your list of Attachments should be included in the result delivered.
- IncludeAttachmentBlobs (True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether the bytes of Attachments should be included in the result. Default value = False.
Example of request
GET https://app.evicertia.com/api/EviMail/Query?WithUniqueIds=17cd5814c89c423dacedaba301357793&IncludeAffidavits=true&includeAffidavitBlobs=false&IncludeAttachments=true&includeAttachmentBlobs=false Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX== Host: app.evicertia.com
The result of this operation will include the following data:
- TotalMatches: Number of logs (total) matching the query.
- Results: List of EviMails included in the response (depending on the Limit/Offset parameters of the original request):
- UniqueId: Unique identifier (Evild) allocated to the evidence.
- LinkedId: Grouped identifier of the evidence (it allows to identify sendings in the same request).
- NOTE: This property is considered obsolete and will be removed in future versions.
- LookupKey: Locator allocated to the evidence by user at the time of submit.
- Issuer: Information about the message issuer.
- LegalName: Name or legal name (for example, The name and Fiscal Identity Number (NIF) of the recipient company).
- EmailAddress: Address e-mail (rc822 style).
- Recipient: Information about the message recipient.
- LegalName: Name or legal name (for example, The name and Fiscal Identity Number (NIF) of the recipient company).
- EmailAddress: Address e-mail (rc822 style).
CarbonCopy: Information regarding the recipient of the copy of the message:
Name [optional]: Name or company name of the recipient of the message copy (e.g. the name and VAT number of the recipient company).
- EmailAddress: E-mail address of the recipient of the message copy (rc822 style).
- Subject: Subject of the message.
- Body: Body (HTML) of the message.
- State: Current status of message processing:
- New: The message has been received by the system and its content will be certified.
- Ready: The message has been certified and will be sent to the recipient.
- Read: The message has been opened by the final recipient.
- Sent: The message has been delivered to the final recipient’s mail server.
- Answered : The message has been answered by the final recipient.
- Closed : Tracking of message has ended.
- Failed : The message could not be delivered.
- Unknown : Unknown state (please contact support).
- CreationDate: Creation time/date of the message.
- LastStateChangeDate: Date/time of last status change.
- Affidavits: List of affidavits associated to the message:
- UniqueId: Unique identifier associated to the affidavit.
- Date: Creation time/date of affidavit.
- EvidenceUniqueId: Unique identifier of the evidence to which this affidavit belongs.
- Description: Description of affidavit.
- Bytes: Data (bytes) of affidavit.
- Kind: Type identifier of the generated affidavit. Kinds of Affidavits.
- Attachments: List of attachments associated to message:
- UniqueId: Unique identifier associated to the attachment.
- Date: Creation time/date of attachment.
- EvidenceUniqueId: Unique identifier of the evidence to which this affidavit belongs.
- DisplayName: Description/Name of the attachment.
- FileName: Name of the attachment file.
- MimeType: Identifier of mime type of attachment.
- Data: Data (bytes) of affidavit.
- Hash: Cryptographic summary of the attachment.
- Outcome: Outcome of the EviMail processing.
- New : The message has been admitted for certification, remaining to be processed by the system.
- Certified : The message was locally processed, producing the certification of its content. Subsequently, the message will be sent.
- Retry : A temporary failure has occurred and new attempts to send or process the message will be made.
- Dispatched : The message was dispatched by a third messaging service or operator in order to be sent.
- Sent : The message has been sent to the server or the operator that manages the mailbox or device of recipient: subsequently the system manages the process of reception.
- Delayed : The system has received a technical warning (DNS) notifying a delay in the delivery of the message.
- Relayed : The system has received a technical warning (DNS) indicating that the remote server has redirected the message to another e-mail server.
- Expanded : The system has received a technical warning (DSN) notifying that the destination address corresponds to multiple recipients.
- Delivered :The message or the notification with the link were delivered to the final recipient, but the content still has not been opened/read.
- Read : The message has been answered or read by the final recipient.
- Accepted : The recipient answered accepting the message.
- Rejected : The recipient answered rejecting the message.
- Failed : An unrecoverable error has ocurred or the limit of reattempts has been reached, which makes it impossible to send the message.
- AcceptOrRejectComments: If comments have been included in the acceptance or rejection, they are included in this field.
- TimeToLive (minutes): Time (in minutes) that the message/contract will be available before proceeding to close the tracking of the message. In those cases in which the notification/contract is accessible via a link, once that period has elapsed and if it has never been accessed, this link is no longer available.
- OnlineRetentionPeriod: Time (in years) of online retention.
- NotaryRetentionPeriod: Time (in years) of retention at the notary's office.
- NotaryProfile: Notary’s identifier who will carry out custody at the notary’s office
- SourceChannel: Indicates the channel through which the message was submitted (Web, Api, Smtp).
- AllowRefusal: Indicates whether the receiver can refuse to read the message.
- AffidavitKinds: Displays the types of affidavits selected in the issue. Kinds of Affidavits.
Example of answer in JSON
{ "totalMatches": 1, "results": [ { "uniqueId": "256e7118-b80b-43e5-bad4-a16101765689", "lookupKey": "Evi", "issuer": { "LegalName": "Juan Gallego" "emailAddress": "SOAP Evicertia <soapevi@gmail.com>" }, "recipient": { "legalName": "Juan ", "emailAddress": "pruebas_evi@hotmail.com" }, "subject": "Prueba desde JSON - Enviar", "body": "file:Plantilla.html", "state": "Closed", "creationDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "lastStateChangeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00" } ] }
, multiple selections available,