The following sections describe the operations available in EVICERTIA web services of V1:

  • AttachmentDownload: Download request of attachments by means of an identifier.
  • EviMailAffidavitRequest: Request of affidavit generation for EviMail upon request (Certified E-mail)
  • EviMailQuery: Query and download of EviMail communications, attachments and affidavits.
  • EviMailSubmit: EviMail Submit.
  • EviPostAffidavitRequest: Request of affidavit generation under request for EviPost.(Postal certified communication) (if you want to use this service, you must apply to support@evicertia.com).
  • EviPostQuery: Query and download of EviPostcommunications, attachments and affidavits.
  • EviPostSubmit: EviPost submit.
  • EviSignBulkSign: Signature request of one or more EviSigns at the same time, without sending the signature notification request to the signers. Evisign is the Evicertia service that allows to sign contracts or electronic documents online.
  • EviSignCancel: Cancellation of contracts (EviSign) issued. EviSignQuery: Query and download of EviSign contracts, attachments and affidavits.
  • EviSignQuery: Query and download of EviSign contracts, attachments and affidavits.
  • EviSignSubmit: EviSign submit, signature of contracts or electronic documents online.
  • EviSMSQuery: Query and download of EviSMS communications and affidavits (Certified SMS).
  • EviSMSSubmit: EviSMS submit.