Error Codes
Here you find the list of eSAW API error codes and error codes coming from the SIGNificant Server Platform (to be exact the Workstep Controller). These might help you to fix an issue with your integration.
An error returns and error (the code) and a message, why it failed.
Error Sample
Here you see a faulty file/upload
response, where no file was attached. The system returns you the ErrorId, the message and the TraceId.
{ "ErrorId": "ERR0097", "Message": "ERR0097 - File must not be empty.", "TraceId": "f35aad06-1234-1234-1234-daedd619ed29" }
Messages starting with “ERR00xx” are returned errors of eSAW itself. If an error occoured in the SIGNificant Server Platform (Workstep Controller) it has an additional error code with “ERROR-xxxxx”, which identifies the SSP error. Below you find the error codes for eSAW and WSC (known by eSAW).
eSignAnyWhere API Errors
Error codes starting with “ERR0xxx” are messages, which are coming from eSAW directly. Errors with “ERROR-” are errors from the SIGNificant Server Platform, which is responsible for the workstep and the workstep configuration (see below).
ErrorId | Name | Comment |
ERR0001 | General | |
ERR0002 | EmptyParameter | |
ERR0005 | PdfConversionFailed | |
ERR0008 | MissingFile | |
ERR0007 | MissingEnvelope | |
ERR0010 | NotAllowedForUser | |
ERR0011 | InvalidParameterFormat | |
ERR0012 | InvalidWorkstepConfiguration | |
ERR0013 | EnvelopeActionNotAllowedForEnvelopeState | |
ERR0014 | NotAllowedByLicense | |
ERR0018 | ActivityActionNotAllowedForActivityState | |
ERR0020 | AdvancedDocumentTagError | |
ERR0021 | ElementNotWithinPageBounds | |
ERR0023 | ContentDispositionMissingOrIncomplete | |
ERR0025 | ActionForActivityNotAllowedForBulks | |
ERR0041 | MissingDisposableConfiguration | |
ERR0053 | RejectedByFileContentValidationError | |
ERR0055 | MaxFileSizeExceededError | |
ERR0056 | MissingSwisscomOnDemandCertConfigurationError | |
ERR0059 | MissingSwedishBankIdCertConfigurationError | |
ERR0061 | EnvelopeNotLocked | |
ERR0063 | InvalidEnvelopeApiVersion | |
ERR0065 | ActionForActivityNotAllowedForBulkChild | |
ERR0067 | UploadFileFailed | |
ERR0068 | DeleteFileFailed | |
ERR0081 | PermissionsMissing | |
ERR0090 | GenericFilteringError | |
ERR0091 | IncompatibleFilterUsed | |
ERR0092 | InStatusSinceDaysFilterWithoutStatusFilterError | |
ERR0093 | ForceAuthenticationMissing | |
ERR0095 | InvalidRecipientType | |
ERR0096 | Pkcs7NeedsAtLeastOneSignature | |
ERR0097 | ContentEmpty | |
ERR0098 | FieldDefinitionForUserDefinedElementMissing | |
ERR0110 | InvalidTeamNoValidUserFoundForTeamMember | |
ERR0111 | InvalidTeamHasNoHeadUser | |
ERR0112 | MultipleUsedTeamName | |
ERR0113 | MultipleUserOccurrenceInSameTeam | |
ERR0152 | ProviderDisabled | |
ERR0153 | ProviderNotFound | |
ERR0161 | AmbiguousExpirationParametersSent | |
ERR0162 | NoExpirationParametersSent | |
ERR0163 | EnvelopeValidityTooLow | |
ERR0164 | EnvelopeValidityTooHigh | |
ERR0170 | InvalidExpiration | |
ERR0171 | FirstReminderDayAmountTooLow | |
ERR0172 | FirstReminderDayAmountTooHigh | |
ERR0173 | RecurrentReminderDayAmountTooLow | |
ERR0174 | RecurrentReminderDayAmountTooHigh | |
ERR0175 | BeforeExpirationReminderDayAmountTooLow | |
ERR0176 | BeforeExpirationReminderDayAmountTooHigh | |
ERR0200 | NotAllowedForOrganization | The method/action cannot be done due to organization specific configuration which disallows the operation. Typically, an administrator of the organization has to change some configuration for the entire organization, to allow the action. Example: "ERR0200 - Custom Agreements are not allowed for Organization" in this case, an administrator can allow sending the agreement by changing the Agreements Configuration. |
ERR0210 | OAuthIdentificationWithAuth | |
ERR0211 | IdentificationWithAuth | |
ERR0212 | OAuthIdentificationUpdateFieldMismatch | |
ERR0250 | DraftNotAvailable | |
ERR0251 | DraftActivityNotAvailable | |
ERR0255 | BulkParentNotAvailable | |
ERR0256 | NoEnvelopeBulkChildInExpectedState | |
ERR0258 | EnvelopeActivityNotAvailable | |
ERR0260 | TemplateNotAvailable | |
ERR0300 | DraftNotReadyForSending | |
ERR0310 | DuplicateEmailInParallel | |
ERR0406 | DraftCanNotContainMoreThanOneBulk | |
ERR0407 | DraftWithParallelAndBulkNotAllowed |
eSAW Errors from SIGNificant Server Platform (Workstep Controller)
Errors starting with “ERROR-” are returned from the SIGNificant Server Platform (to be exact the Workstep Controller component), which is handling the workstep and the workstep configuration. If you get this error, the mistake happened in the workstep configuration.
For a detail overview of all error codes please see /wiki/spaces/eSign/pages/91889580 (e.g. /wiki/spaces/eSign/pages/92048974) - restricted access.
Customization Error Codes
Errors codes of the customization interface.
Name | Error Code |
General | ERR0001 |
CustomizationFileFormatError | ERR0002 |
VariableError | ERR0003 |
MissingFileError | ERR0004 |