Developer Mode


The eSignAnyWhere Developer Mode allows an easier start with the eSignAnyWhere integration. The biggest challenge of integrating eSAW is to create the configuration of the signing ceremony, where you define a lot of different elements, such as the order of the actions including recipients, the position of the signature fields, the document hiding, the external services and many more details. Details you can find in the Hello World guide or Postman guide.

To allow you to generate these, sometimes quite complex configuration, we created the Developer Mode. The Developer Mode allows you to use eSignAnyWhere as a “configuration builder”. This means you create your desired workflow with the eSignAnyWhere User Interface (upload document, define recipients, define signature and form fields, etc.) and download its configuration. So eSAW is generating the configuration for your via UI created workflow.

You can download the configuration as JSON. Just replace elements in the configuration (e.g. recipient names, email, phone numbers, …) to have a schema of the desired workflow.

Enable Developer Mode

Hint for customers using APIs prior to API v6

Customers using API versions prior to API v6 may use a release before 22.50 to extract the old JSON. The API v4 and v5 models are very comparable.
Until April 2023, is offering a 21.76 release with the old developer mode. After demo-lts was updated to 22.76, the 21.76 release will still be published at until April 2024.

The user who wants to use the developer mode must either have the predefined role “Developer”, or you can add your own role to the user. The role you created must then at least have the following permission activated: “User can download api envelope description”. For more information about roles and permissions please also have a look at the following guide: Roles and Permissions

Download of the Configuration

There are two ways to download the configuration:

1. Download before sending

Download the configuration during the creation of envelopes before sending (could cause costs).

The following figure shows you the button for the download before sending the envelope:


Developer Mode Before Sending

  1. You can download the JSON configuration

2. Download after sending

Download the configuration of a sent envelope (also a first test of the workflow and use case)

The following figure shows you the button for the download after sending the envelope:


Developer Mode After Sending
  1. You can download the JSON configuration is a free platform for creating and testing workflows for customers and developers. You can contact Namirial consultants for a longer valid access to the system.

Advantages of using the developer mode

You just have to add the fields in the SAW Viewer and download the configuration. Therefor, you do not have to know each step in the configuration and how it is build. Example: If you want to configure a signature field on your document you can first add it on a document in the SAW Viewer and then download the configuration and add the signature in your workstep configuration. Moreover you have always the exact position of the elements in your configuration and you do not have to write the code by yourself.