
Web service parameters

This operation allows to obtain a signature link for several EviSigns issued. By using the following data:

  • UniqueIds: Identifier or identifiers separated by commas, of the different EviSigns that are supposed to be signed jointly.
    • NOTE: All EviSigns must have the same signature method. Contact SigningMethod within EviSignSubmit
  • Party: Email or telephone number of the signer of the EviSigns who tries to sign through this service.
  • DiscardedThreshold [opcional]: Minimum percentage of evisigns needed for generating the URL. If in a batch of 100 EviSigns to be signed, a threshold of 80 is defined, that means that the BulkSign will be generated if 80% of the contracts are ready to be signed.

An example is shown here.

Example of request in JSON
POST https://app.evicertia.com/api/EviSign/BulkSign HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Host: app.evicertia.com

	"party": "pruebas_evi@hotmail.com",
	"DiscardedThreshold": 80


Example of answer in JSON
    "uniqueId": "d11caec270bd4739afd5aa7600920538",
    "url": "http://app.evicertia.com/Delivery/5415bbab-4e14-4035-a769-e0a3b9e88ee2",
    "expiresAt": "2020-02-17T13:22:07.0019802+01:00",
    "results": [
            "evidenceId": "d11caec270bd4739afd5aa7600920538",
            "discarded": false,
            "lookupKey": "H-Prueba",
            "state": "Processed",
            "outcome": "None",
            "creationDate": "2020-02-17T12:21:58.2659710+01:00",
            "lastStateChangeDate": "2020-02-17T12:22:02.0000000+01:00",
            "submittedOn": "2020-02-17T12:21:59.0000000+01:00",
            "processedOn": "2020-02-17T12:22:02.0000000+01:00",
            "timeToLive": 1500