Shipping via

EviMail via

The easiest way to send certified notifications is by including @ in the emails you send from Outlook, Gmail, Thunderbird, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, ..., or any other email client.

Using email forwarding through @ is very easy to use:

  • In the usual email client, write the email account to which you want to send a certified email, for example, and add "", and the final email will be as follows:
  • The mail arrives at the platform, and it remains in the “Draft” status until it is accessed, to complete configuring the options (for example: if you want to "Open on the web").
  • For each email that is sent this way, you receive an email from Evicertia, indicating that the email is in "Draft" status and if necessary you should send it.
  • In order to send emails, you must access Evicertia platform.
  • Once you have finished configuring the options for each of the notifications, press “Submit”.
  • For further information on how to send an Evimail , see section “New EviMail”.

The aim to enter the platform to send the emails that are sent through is to avoid that a stranger uses the forwarding system to send emails on our behalf. Therefore, it is in Evicertia where it is confirmed that the messages should be sent, but with the ease of being able to send the emails from your regular client.