
app.ecertia.comThis operation allows to consult basic information of a existing EviNotice in the system by the following fields:

  • Id: EviNotice's identifier (cannot be default).
  • IncludeAffidavits[optional]: (True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether your list of affidavits should be included in the result delivered:
    • True o 1: The list of Affidavits must be included in the result.
    • False o 0: The list of affidavits must not be included in the result.
  • IncludeAttachments [optional]: (True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether your list of attachments should be included in the result delivered:
    • True o 1: The list of attachments must be included in the result.
    • False o 0: The list of attachments must not be included in the result.

Example of request
GET https://app.ecertia.com/api/v2/EviNotice/018429bc-c406-4091-afd5-12f0087d2c6b
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Host: app.ecertia.com

The result of this operation will include the following data:

  • Id: EviNotice's identifier.
  • LinkedId: Grouped identifier of the evidence (it allows to identify sendings in the same request).
  • Subject: Subject of the EviNotice.
  • LookupKey: Locator allocated to the evidence by user at the time of submit.
  • Issuer: Issuer's legal name or company name.
  • IssuerEmail: Sender's email.
  • IssuerPhone: Sender's source phone.
  • RecipientAddress: Recipient's address (an email or a mobile phone).
  • RecipientDisplayName: Recipient's display name.
  • RecipientLegalName: Recipient's legal name.
  • State: EviNotice's current state.
  • Outcome: Outcome of the EviNotice processing.
  • CreationDate: Creation time/date of the EviNotice.
  • LastUpdateDate: Date/time of last status change.
  • TimeToLive (minutes): Time (in minutes) that the evidence will be available before proceeding to close the tracking of the EviNotice. In those cases in which the notification/contract is accessible via a link, once that period has elapsed and if it has never been accessed, this link is no longer available.
  • AllowRefusal: Indicates whether the receiver can refuse to read the EviNotice.
  • NotaryProfile: Notary’s identifier who will carry out custody at the notary’s office.
  • SourceChannel: Indicates the channel through which the EviNotice was submitted (Web, Api, Smtp).
  • OnlineRetentionPeriod: Time (in years) of online retention.
  • NotaryRetention: Indicates if the EviNotice has notarial custody.
  • AffidavitKinds: Displays the types of affidavits selected in the issue. Kinds of Affidavits.
  • Affidavits: List of affidavits associated to the message:
    • Id: Date/time of last status change.
    • Kind: Type identifier of the generated affidavit. Kinds of Affidavits.
    • Description: Description of affidavit.
    • CreationDate: Creation time/date of affidavit.
    • Length: Number of bytes or characters contained in the affidavit.
  • Attachments: List of attachments associated to message:
    • Id: Unique identifier associated to the attachment.
    • CreationDate: Creation time/date of attachment.
    • DisplayName: Description/Name of the attachment.
    • FileName: Name of the attachment file.
    • MimeType: Identifier of mime type of attachment.
    • Length: Number of bytes or characters contained in the attachment.
    • Hash: Cryptographic summary of the attachment.

Example of answer
    "Id": "018429bc-c406-4091-afd5-12f0087d2c6b",
    "Subject": "Hello world",
    "Issuer": "Evicertia",
    "IssuerEmail": "pruebas@evicertia.com",
    "IssuerPhone": "EVICERTIA",
    "RecipientAddress": "destinatario@evicertia.com",
    "RecipientLegalName": "LegalName",
    "RecipientDisplayName": "DisplayName",
    "State": "Closed",
    "Outcome": "Accepted",
    "CreationDate": "2022-10-30T16:32:26.8513550Z",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2022-11-11T19:39:13.0000000Z",
    "SubmittedOn": "2022-10-30T16:32:27.0000000Z",
    "ProcessedOn": "2022-10-30T16:32:35.0000000Z",
    "SentOn": "2022-10-30T16:32:36.0000000Z",
    "DeliveredOn": "2022-10-30T16:41:25.0000000Z",
    "ReadOn": "2022-10-30T17:09:45.0000000Z",
    "RepliedOn": "2022-10-30T17:09:55.0000000Z",
    "ExpiredOn": "2022-11-11T19:39:13.0000000Z",
    "AcceptedOn": "2022-10-30T17:09:55.0000000Z",
    "ArchivedOn": "2022-11-11T19:39:15.0000000Z",
    "TimeToLive": 10080,
    "AllowRefusal": true,
    "SourceChannel": "Web",
    "OnlineRetentionPeriod": 1,
    "NotaryRetentionPeriod": true