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Bulk Sending Scenario - Request Signature of same Company Policy by all Employees

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Bulk Sending Explanation 

Sending a bulk is basically creating multiple independent envelopes, which are linked together by an identifier (bulk id). The API allows accessing the bulk and its envelopes. A bulk step is a step with multiple recipients.

Please note that only one bulk per envelope is allowed.

The Story

The head of the company wants to send the new company policy to all employees. For this process he/she is using eSignAnyWhere to send a bulk. With this feature the creator of the bulk just has to add the recipients within the bulk and send the document once. Then, all recipients get the document and all can sign without dependence. You find a list of available stories here.

Please also see the developer mode for this tutorial here: Visit the developer mode.

Use Case Description

  1. Configuration in eSAW UI
  2. Integration (api)
  3. Creating the bulk
  4. Add recipients within the bulk
  5. Configure for example signature fields

Configuration in eSAW UI

The following Screenshots explain the process of sending an envelope with eSAW.


Bulk Sending Setting

  1. Add a bulk as recipient
  2. Create a bulk CSV for upload

New buttons “Add Bulk” and “Bulk CSV Template” are available. You can add one bulk per envelope and you are defining the bulk recipients via CSV file. The “Bulk CSV Template” generates your desired bulk recipient configuration. So you are able to define Authentication or Information for Remote or Disposable Certificates in the CSV. Please note that you have a maximum of 1000 recipients per bulk.

If you click the button “Bulk CSV template” the following window appears where you can select options you need in the CSV:

Bulk CSV Template

The Bulk Recipient in the Recipient List.

Bulk Recipients Overview

You can see the uploaded recipient list and the number of recipients found in the uploaded CSV file.



Designer Bulk Overview

  1. Recipient (Bulk)

In the designer the bulk recipients behave like a normal recipient. You can place and define its signature fields, form fields or predefined fields.

Manage Bulk Envelopes

The bulk envelopes are listed normal in the document overview with special bulk envelope features. The statistics are added (number of completed, rejected, … envelopes of the bulk). Moreover you still can control each unique workflow.

After sending the envelope you can click on “back to bulk parent” to get the following detailed overview:
Manage Bulk Envelopes


The integration is quite simple. Just follow these steps

Sending a bulk is basically creating multiple independent envelopes, which are linked together by an identifier (bulk id). The API allows accessing the bulk and its envelopes. Please note that only one bulk per envelope is allowed.

  1. Upload a document
  2. Send the document or create a draft

The example contains a workstep configuration for a bulk with two recipients. In this case one signature field (ClickToSign) was added. After you have uploaded the file you can copy paste the workstep configuration for sending the envelope.

    "Documents": [
            "FileId": "68b44e5d-1234-1234-1234-560c32549e27",
            "DocumentNumber": 1
    "Name": "bulkEnvelopeName",
    "MetaData": "metaData",
    "AddDocumentTimestamp": true,
    "ShareWithTeam": true,
    "Activities": [
            "Action": {
                "SignBulk": {
                    "BulkRecipients": [
                            "RecipientConfiguration": {
                                "ContactInformation": {
                                    "Email": "",
                                    "GivenName": "John",
                                    "Surname": "Doe",
                                    "LanguageCode": "en"
                                "PersonalMessage": "BulkSign",
                                "AllowDelegation": true
                            "RecipientConfiguration": {
                                "ContactInformation": {
                                    "Email": "",
                                    "GivenName": "Jane",
                                    "Surname": "Doe",
                                    "LanguageCode": "en"
                                "PersonalMessage": "BulkSign"
                            "SignatureDataConfiguration": {}
                    "SequenceMode": "NoSequenceEnforced",
                    "Elements": {
                        "Signatures": [
                                "ElementId": "apiBulkSignature",
                                "Required": true,
                                "DocumentNumber": 1,
                                "DisplayName": "Signature",
                                "FieldDescription": "This is a Signature.",
                                "AllowedSignatureTypes": {
                                    "ClickToSign": {}
                                "FieldDefinition": {
                                    "Position": {
                                        "PageNumber": 1,
                                        "X": 50,
                                        "Y": 150
                                    "Size": {
                                        "Width": 300,
                                        "Height": 100
                                "TaskConfiguration": {
                                    "StampImprintDateConfiguration": {
                                        "UseLocalTimezone": true,
                                        "DateTimeFormat": "dd.MM.YYYY"
                                    "UseExternalTimestampServer": false,
                                    "OrderDefinition": {
                                        "OrderIndex": 5


    "BulkChildren": [
            "EnvelopeId": "6bda7944-1234-1234-1234-5c3140ff4a05",
            "BulkRecipientEmail": ""
            "EnvelopeId": "e85a1f99-1234-1234-1234-5894ca1d89d0",
            "BulkRecipientEmail": ""
    "BulkParentId": "9118a857-1234-1234-1234-91b6b422eaf8"

The result of the API calls contain the bulk id and an envelope id for each recipient.

The Callbacks got an additional bulk parameter to provide the bulk id:
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