This product section is only visible if the user has the following permission enabled (either by a predefined or a custom role):
- User can view license settings
For more information please also see Roles and Permissions.
For more information about the different licensing types and plans please also see this overview.
- no purchase needed for
- following purchase options are available via:
- - create an organization with a voucher code purchased,
- or via trial created on shared saas instance of eSAW (register for the FREE TRIAL on and use in-app purchase options),
- or via contacting the Namirial sales team
The licensing page is structured in three sections:
- The current license overview
- The envelope and signature field statistics
- The license notification configuration
Licensing: Screenshot from a SaaS environment
Licensing: Screenshot from an On-Premise environment.
License Overview
The current license overview shows:
- The plan (free trial, per number of documents…)
- The expiration date of the license
- How many envelopes have been sent since the license has been applied
- How many registered users have been created
Specific actions on SaaS only:
- Cancel Organization Account
Specific actions in an On-Premise environment only:
- Upload License
- Request License
Cancel Organization Account
This action deletes the entire organization. All envelopes sent by this organization (in-progress and completed), all drafts, all templates, all team configurations, all related user accounts, etc are deleted.
Only the envelopes sent from another organization for the recipient acting as external recipient remain accessible.
Because of the criticality of the action, the user needs to confirm this action by entering his account password once more:
After confirming by entering the password and pressing "cancel organization account", the deletion request is noted down. It may take up to 24h that the organization is completely removed from the database.
Envelope and Signature Field Statistics
The envelope statistics table displays the license-relevant counters of envelopes, and as additional information the number of signatures contained in the envelopes. This statistics counters are therefore separately listing in the different rows the "most complex signature type allowed" in a sent envelope or on a signature field. All envelopes that have been created, always considering the “most complex” signature variant contained in the envelope or allowed on a signature field. Because of that definition, and counting the envelope at creation time, the numbers do not contain information about e.g consumed SMS for OTP signatures – because an envelope may allow both click2sign (or other) and OTP signature on the same field; probably was never opened by the recipient, or the recipient probably requested several SMS for the authentication.
When one is sending one envelope with 3 signature fields,
the first one allowing Click2Sign and Disposable
the 2nd one allowing Biometric
the 3rd one allowing Click2Sign only
it counts in the signature fields column
- 1 signature field Disposable (as disposable is higher-value than Click2Sign)
- 1 signature field Biometric
- 1 signature field C2S
and it counts in the envelope column
- 1 envelope with Disposable (as disposable is higher-value than C2S and Biometric)
Note that the statistics data also include historical data that may have been recorded before a license has been renewed. Because of that, it is valid and by design that the number of envelopes sent in the license overview section is different from the sum of all envelopes shown in the statistics table.
License Notifications Configuration
In the license notification configuration, notifications and callback endpoints for an alert before reaching the hard limit of a volume-based license or mail alerts for time-based licenses can be configured. For example, it is possible to configure to receive a notification if the consumption-based envelope limit reaches 80%. The license expiration callback URL allows you to define an HTTP/HTTPS endpoint which is called when the warning threshold is reached. For the license expiration date, you can define how many days before the expiration you want to get an alert about expiration.