Module: FaceMatch
  • Verified
  • Module: FaceMatch

    Setting the appearance of the Video FaceMatch

    It is possible to configure the appearance of the FaceMatch video by providing an additional CSS file named custom-video-identification.css, provided in the signbook customization.zip archive ().

    This CSS file can contain your own CSS, but the recommended method is to use the CSS variables listed below:

    List of CSS variables

    CSS Variable

    Default value


    CSS Variable

    Default value



    'Quicksand', sans-serif;

    global text font



    font-weight for global text



    global text color



    global font size



    background color for buttons



    text color for buttons


    rgba (47, 95, 227, 0.25)

    background-color for disabled buttons


    rgba (255, 255, 255, 0.8)

    text color for disabled buttons



    text size for buttons



    font-weight for text in buttons



    can be used to make button text appear in uppercase or lowercase



    border-radius size for buttons



    checkbox container background color when selected



    background-color for checkboxes



    checkbox color when selected



    border color of the checkbox



    checkbox width size



    checkbox height size



    link text color


    rgba (1, 74, 216, 0.03)

    background color for the box panel in first step



    border-radius for the box panel in first step



    background-color for item selection in document type step



    border-radius for item selection in document type step



    background color for the progress bar in upload step



    color used in animations during video recording screens


    rgb (25, 216, 115)

    color indicating that the real-time control over sharpness is on


    rgb (255, 57, 57)

    color indicating that the real-time control on sharpness is not passing

    Example of a CSS file

    :root { --nc-font-family: 'Courgette', serif; --nc-font-color: black; --nc-font-size: 16px; --nc-font-weight: 400; --nc-button-active-background: #22819f; --nc-button-active-color: #affffa; --nc-button-disabled-background: rgba(174, 206, 214, 0.5); --nc-button-disabled-color: gray; --nc-button-font-size: 16px; --nc-button-font-weight: bold; --nc-button-border-radius: 40px; --nc-button-text-transform: none; --nc-checkbox-container-checked-background: transparent; --nc-checkbox-background: #22819f; --nc-checkbox-checkmark-color: #affffa; --nc-checkbox-border-color: #014AD8; --nc-checkbox-width: 26px; --nc-checkbox-height: 26px; --nc-link-color: #014AD8; --nc-box-background: #baf7ff; --nc-box-border-radius: 20px; --nc-box-document-type-background: #baf7ff; --nc-box-document-type-border-radius: 40px; --nc-progress-bar-background: #56dfb0; --nc-validation-color: #1ac6ff; --nc-live-control-succeed-color: #1ac6ff; --nc-live-control-fail-color: #ff0071; } @font-face { font-family: 'Courgette'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/courgette/v13/wEO_EBrAnc9BLjLQAUk1VvoK.woff2) format('woff2'); unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; }

    List of notable CSS classes

    Several CSS classes in the interface are easily identifiable with a browser developer's tool, We list below the main CSS classes to be used to target each page element:





    App-guide-lines-document-step (1)

    App-guide-lines-document-step (2)

    App-guide-lines-document-step (3)

    App-video-document-step (1)

    App-video-document-step (2)

    App-video-document-step (3)

    App-video-document-step (4)

    App-guide-lines-selfie-step (1)

    App-guide-lines-selfie-step (2)


    App-sending-step (1)

    App-sending-step (2)



    Video FaceMatch text customization

    To achieve full visual integration, in addition to the appearance, you can configure the interface texts for video identification, by supplying an additional file named strings. custom-video-identification_[lang].json to be included in the SignBook customization ZIP archive.

    • strings. custom-video-identification_[lang].json: Used to redefine texts for the selected language. Replace [lang] with the corresponding language code (example: fr or en). It is advisable to use a suitable editor (e.g. Notepad++) to edit this file in JSON FORMAT. Note that this file must be encoded in UTF-8.

    It is recommended to redefine only those keys you feel need to be changed. If you do not wish to modify certain keys, you do not need to provide them, as the default value will automatically be used.

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