Status of Certified Delivery (EviMail, EviSMS, EviNotice)
Draft: The message has not been sent yet, but it is stored on the server, thereby enabling its subsequent modification and/or delivery.
New: The message has been admitted for certification, remaining to be processed by the system.
Submitted: The message has been admitted for certification, remaining to be processed by the system.
Ready (in progress): The message has been locally processed. It will be subsequently sent.
Sent: The message has been sent to the server or the operator that manages the mailbox or device of recipient: from now on the system will manage the process of reception.
Dispatched: The messaging service serving the recipient has accepted the message and will then try to send it to the final recipient.
Delivered: The message has been delivered to the final recipient, but the content has not been opened/read yet.
Read: The message has been opened/read by the final recipient. Replied: The recipient has answered accepting or rejecting the message.
Closed: End of the tracking of status, for which reason no more notifications or answers are expected and the notarial deposit will follow.
Failed: An error has occurred that makes it impossible to send the message.
Status of EviMail:
Status of EviSMS:
Status of EviNotice:
Status of Signature Services (EviSign)
Draft: The message has not been sent yet, but it is stored on the server, thereby enabling its subsequent modification and/or delivery.
Submitted: The postal communication has been sent to the system, remaining now to be processed.
Proccessed (in progress): The message was locally processed, producing the certification of its content. Next, we will proceed to request the signature of all signers.
Sent: A notification requesting signature to the binding parties of the contract has been sent
Closed: End of document tracking, so events are no longer expected and its custody will be made, if applicable.
Status of EviSign: