Command lines tools

Command lines tools


The BulkClient client makes use of the available web services (EviSignSubmit) from an excel and some PDFs.

It is a simple command line program that has built-in help when you run it, including some examples of use. This program is published here. (Error)

To use the application, we must enter one of the parameters that we see below:

  • Test: Performs run and connectivity tests
  • EviSignSubmit: Generates a pdf according to the pdfields and sends an EviSign thru web services (EviSignSubmit)
  • EviSignBulkSubmit: Generates a pdf using given pdf template with fields and submits an EviSign for each row of a given excel
  • BuildPdf: Builds a Pdf given a Pdf template and JSON with fields key-values ({"key1":"value1","key2":"value2")

As we include parameters, several options to configure will appear.

In this example, when introducing the first option 'test', we can see:

$ ./BulkClient.exe test

BulkClient v1.1.0.0
Copyright (C) Evicertia - Evidencias Certificadas S.L. 2016

Starting Test Command with:
- Url: https://app.evicertia.com/api
- User:
Starting Connection tests
Testing non authenticated service (Url shortener)
Conection success. Shorten sample: http://evi.tc/w5rh8a3
All test success!!