Fields of an Affidavit

The common fields of Evicertia's Affidavit are shown below.

  • First Page: Page with identification of the message and its elements: 

    • Identification of the evidence: it contains information about the message:

      • Identifier: It is an alphanumeric field that will uniquely identify the document within the system. An example of this field is: b70c6811-532c-4eb3-bebc-e47d5d2d3132.

      • Admission date: Date on which the notification was admitted into the system.

      • Type of evidence: It indicates whether the message is an email, SMS, or certified web message.

    • Details of issuer: It contains information about the message‘s issuer:

      • Issuer: It indicates who the Evicertia user that issues the message is, that is, the issuer.

      • Address of sender: It indicates who sends the message.

    • Details of recipient: It contains information about the message‘s receiver:

      • Recipient: It contains the name of the person or company receiving the notification.

      • Recipient's address: It shows the recipient's email account information.

      • With copy to (CC): If this feature is used, it indicates who is cc'd (and receives) the message.

    • Content details: It contains information related to the message and its attachments:

      • Subject: A brief description of the content of the message.

      • Size: It indicates the number of bytes in the message.

      • Number of attachments: It indicates how many attachments are attached to the message.

      • Message authentication codes: It is the hash or cryptographic summary that takes place after applying the SHA-256 algorithm to the message content.

    • Actor data of the event: It contains information about the actor who has provoked the event:

      • Actor description: It contains information about the actor who has provoked the event:

      • Método de autenticación: como ha accedido a la plataforma, por ejemplo si ha sido o no autenticado, si ha sido con usuario y contraseña.Authentication method: For example, the way you have accessed the platform, whether you have been authenticated or not and if it has been made with username and password.

      • Actor identifier: In case of the issuer, his email.

      • IP Address: IP that the actor of the event had at the time of the event.

      • Geolocation: Coordinates of the IP or browser geolocation.

      • Operating system: Operating system details that the actor has.

      • Browser ID: Details of the actor‘s browser.

      • Browser Language.

      • Browser User Agent: Details of the user agent of actor's browser.

    • QR Code: The inclusion of this code or data matrix allowing the document to retain its legal guarantee if it is printed on paper. The QR code includes the electronic data that allows to verify its authenticity.

    • Image of the handwritten signature: by clicking this image of the pdf, you can access the electronic information of the document electronic signature.

    • Public key of the certificate that signs the affidavit: The public key of the X509v3 certificate used to verify the authenticity of the signature is included.

    • +Universal locator: It is a unique identifier that was created so that issuer and receiver can access the document from Internet, who are the only two persons who know the locator. This field is generated in Evicertia following the IETF RFCs 1738, 2396, 4122 standards and their equivalents (ISO / IEC 9834-8: 2005) and provides increased security to the system since it is an identifier that cannot be repeated or found out by statistical techniques or brute-force network attacks. This locator is repeated on every page of the document.

  • If there are attachments:

    • Second page: details and information about the attachments such as name, size and cryptographic summary of each attachment included in the notification.

    • Third page and following pages: on this page (and following pages if the message had more than one page) the content of the event to be certified through Evicertia service is included.

  • If there are no attachments:

    • Second page and following pages: on this page (and following pages if the message had more than one page) the content of the event to be certified through Evicertia service is included Affidavit validation.