
This operation allows a custom affidavit to be generated upon request, which will display the following data:

NOTE: To use this service, before submitting to the EviPostSubmit service, 'AffidavitsOnDemandEnabled: true' had to be indicated within the note Options

  • UniqueId: Unique identifier of evidence.
  • PushUrl [optional]: RL to which a POST notification will be made showing the result of the operation.
  • IncludeBody [optional]: If enabled, the body of the message will be displayed in the affidavit:
    • True or 1: the body of the message is displayed.
    • False or 0: the body of the message is not displayed.
  • IncludeEvents [optional]: If enabled, detailed information regarding the events will be displayed in the affidavit:
    • True or 1: information about events is displayed.
    • False or 0: information about events is not displayed.

Example of request in JSON
POST https://app.ecertia.com/api/EviPost/AffidavitRequest HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Host: app.ecertia.com


In case of successful sending, the identifier allocated to the request (RequestId) will be included in the notification:

Example of answer in JSON
	"requestId": "79726a87000c1f7042aca3ea149f9438"

Push notifications

This method allows to report the outcome when generating the affidavit, thus avoiding the need for performing periodically a query.

Example of push notification answer
	"EventIdentifier": "1234",
	"EvidenceId": "2aca3ea149f943879726a87000c1f704",
	"EvidenceType": "eviPost",
	"EventType": "EviPostAffidavitOnDemandGenerated",
	"EventDate": "2018-01-22T12:46:32.4830752+01:00",
	"Site": "pruebas",
	"Owner": "Pruebas evicertia",
	"OwnerEmail": "pruebas@evicertia.com",
	"AdditionalData": {
		"RequestUniqueId": "79726a87000c1f7042aca3ea149f9438",
		"AffidavitUniqueId": "000c1f7042aca3ea149f943879726a87",
		"AffidavitBytesLength": "1234",
		"AffidavitName": "Certification of postal communication (upon request)",
		"Success": "true",
		"ErrorMessage": ""