QERDS identification and registration
The following information defines the API call developed to identify and register users in our QERDS service without the need to send a first communication.
Customer requests through the API call that we initiate a registration process of a user with mandatory data (name, surname and email) in the QERDS qualified notifications service, once registered in the service, the customer may send through the general API (EviNoticeSubmit) or the web portal certified communications to that user.
Request Method : PUT
Request URL : https://verifid.ecertia.com/api/v1/Enrollments
Authentication : This API requires via an API key. They key must be included in the request header.
Request Headers
Header Name | Value | Description |
X-VerifiD-ApiToken | your_api_key_here | The API key for authenticating the request |
Request Body
List of Parameters
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Profile | string | Required profile to identify how to enroll the user | Bit4Id::SPIDOnly::Customer |
Language | string | Language preference for UI and documents to be generated on enrollment. Typically uses ISO 639-1 codes. | it |
string | The email address of the user. Must be a valid email format. | ||
FirstName | string | The first name of the user. | John |
LastName | string | The last name of the user. | Doe |
ReturnUrl | string | The URL to which the user will be redirected after enrollment. Must be a valid URL. |
"Profile": "Bit4Id::SPIDOnly::Customer",
"Language": "it",
"Email": "j.doe@namirial.com",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"ReturnUrl": "https://customer.com/{id}/enroll/"
Request Response
Status 200 OK
"Id": "018fa01b-1c42-4588-90da-dcaa52a8a236",
"Kinds": ["Email"],
"State": "New",
"Outcome": null,
"Name": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"DocumentNumber": null,
"Email": "j.doe@namirial.com",
"Phone": null,
"Language": "it",
"Provider": "bit4id",
"Consumer": "Customer",
"IdentificationUrl": null,
"EnrollUrl": "https://verifid.ecertia.com/enrollment/start/018fa01b-1c42-4588-90da-dcaa52a8a236",
"ReturnUrl": "https://customer.com/a9474480-ffbe-4382-b2f0-9a7d7592fec2/enroll"
Response Schema
Field | Type | Description | Example |
Id | string | Unique identifier for the enrollment | 018fa01b-1c42-4588-90da-dcaa52a8a236 |
Kinds | array | Types of communication channels added on the enrollment (Email, Phone). | ["Email"] |
State | string | Current state of the enrollment process. | New |
Outcome | string | Outcome of the enrollment process, if available. | null |
Name | string | First name of the user. | John |
LastName | string | Last name of the user. | Doe |
DocumentNumber | string | Document number associated with the user, if available. | null |
string | Email address of the user. | ||
Phone | string | Phone number of the user, if available. | null |
Language | string | Language preference of the enrollment process | it |
Provider | string | Identity provider that will validate the enrollment. | bit4id |
IdentificationUrl | string | Identification Provider URL to start the identification, if available. | null |
EnrollUrl | string | Landing URL for starting the enrollment process. | https://verifid.ecertia.com/enrollment/start/018fa01b-1c42-4588-90da-dcaa52a8a236 |
ReturnUrl more info at the bottom | string | URL to which the user will be redirected after enrollment. | I.e. https://customer.com/{customerid}/enroll
Status 401 Unauthorized
"Type": "https://verif.id/error/-authn",
"Title": "There was a problem authenticating the request",
"Details": "Authentication failed: bad token."
Status 400 Bad Request
"Type": "https://verif.id/error/-bad-request",
"Title": "The request is invalid",
"Details": "Bit4Id::SPIDOnly::Customer can't enroll requests with an empty lastname"
Status 503 Service Unavailable
"Type": "https://verif.id/error/-service-unavailable",
"Title": "The server is currently unable to handle the request",
"Details": "Problems found trying to contact with OnBoarding Today API"
Return URL
QueryString Values:
verifidResult (string) : success | error
verifidError (string) : errorcode
verifidError Codes
Code | Description | ||
NotSupportedDocument | Identity Document provided during validation is not supported | ||
RequestAlteredInfo | Provided verification info as been altered during OnBoarding process | ||
RequestIsExpired | Current request is expired | ||
RequestInvalidInfo | Enrollment request data is not correct | ||
UnexpectedFailure | Unexpected failure while processing the Enrollment | ||
OnBoardingProviderError | Problems occured with Onboarding Provider | ||
PdfValidationError | Pdf Certificate validation has failed |