This operation allows to consult any EviPost existing in the system by the following fields:
- WithUniqueIds[optional]: List of identifiers (Evild) for evidences for query.
- WithLookupKeys[optional]: List of locators (LookupKey) for evidences for query.
- OnState[optional]: It returns only those messages that are in the specified processing state. Contact support to use this parameter.
- WithOutcome[optional]: Return only those messages that have obtained the specified result. Contact support to use this parameter.
- Offset:[optional] It allows to page the results and only those results from the specified result will be returned.
- Limit:[optional] Number of items to be returned.
- IncludeDocumentOnResult [optional]: (True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether the document/contract should be included in the result delivered.
- True o 1: The document/contract must be included in the result.
- False o 0: The document/contract must not be included in the result.
- IncludeAffidavitsOnResult [optional]:(True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether your list of affidavits should be included in the result delivered.
- True o 1: The list of Affidavits must be included in the result.
- False o 0: The list of affidavits must not be included in the result.
- IncludeAffidavitBlobsOnResult [optional] (True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether the bytes of Affidavits should be included in the result. Default value FALSE:
- True o 1: The bytes of the affidavits must be included in the result.
- False o 0: The bytes of the affidavits must not be included in the result.
- IncludeAttachmentsOnResult [optional] (True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether your list of attachments should be included in the result delivered:
- True o 1: The list of attachments must be included in the result.
- False o 0: The list of attachments must not be included in the result.
- IncludeAttachmentBlobsOnResult [optional] (True (1) o False (0): It specifies whether the bytes of attachments should be included in the result. Default value FALSE:
- True o 1: The bytes of the attachments must be included in the result.
- False o 0: The bytes of the attachments must not be included in the result.
EVICERTIA recommends to search using the field WithUniqueiIds
Example of request
GET https://app.ecertia.com/api/EviPost/Query?WithUniqueIds=568a7105-21f8-4be1-b4ea-a7f900c4bf59&includeAffidavitsOnResult=true&includeAttachmentsOnResult=true&includeAffidavitBlobsOnResult=false&includeAttachmentBlobsOnResult=false Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX== Host: app.ecertia.com
The result of this operation will include the following data:
- Results: List of EviPost included in the response (depending on the Limit/Offset parameters of the original request):
- EvidenceId: Unique identifier allocated to the evidence.
- LookupKey: Locator allocated to the evidence by user at the time of submit:
- When node is set to true EviPostSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.IsLookupKey, this information will be displayed in node EviPostQuery.LookupKey.
- Information appearing in EviPostSubmit.LookupKey node is the information included in the node:: EviPostSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.Value
- It should be taken into account that like node EviPostSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.Value can be repeated several times, so in node EviPostQuery.LookupKey it is separated by "::". Here below is an answer from EviPostQuery:
- When node is set to true EviPostSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.IsLookupKey, this information will be displayed in node EviPostQuery.LookupKey.
Here below is an answer from EviPostQuery:
{ { "EvidenceId":"933ee25a-8791-4b56-95eb-a33b0172498f", "LookupKey":"NumeroColegiado::NumeroColegiado2" } }
- As shown in the example, two different EviPostSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.Value , were issued, one with the value NumeroColegiado and the other one NumeroColegiado2
- Document: Framework document of this EviPost.
- RecipientName: Name of the recipient.
- Address: Information about recipient’s location.
- StreetAddress: Recipient’s mailing address.
- PostalCode: Recipient’s postal code.
- Locality: Recipient’s locality.
- Region Recipient’s province.
- Country: Recipient’s country (for example ES).
- PostOfficeBoxAddress: Recipient’s post office box address.
- Telephone: Recipient’s mobile phone number.
- Email: E-mail address of the recipient of the message.
- State: Current status of EviPost processing:
- Unknown Unknown state (please contact support).
- Draft : The postal communication has not been sent yet, but it is stored on the server, thereby enabling its subsequent modification and/or delivery.
- Submitted : The communication postal has been admitted by the system, remaining now to be processed.
- Processed : Postal communication has been locally processed. Then it will be sent to the communication system.
- Sent : The postal communication has been sent to the postal operator or messaging service associated to the recipient; from now on the system will manage the process of reception.
- Dispatched : The request has been dispatched to the communication system. Then it will be prepared to be sent to the postal operator.
- Delivered : The postal communication has been sent to the final recipient. The recipient accepted or rejected it.
- Closed : Sending process of postal communication has completed, so events are no longer expected and its custody will proceed, if applicable.
- StateDate: Date on which the EviPost state change occurs.
- LastStateChangeDate: Date/time of last status change.
- Outcome: Outcome of the evipost processing.
- Unknown : Unknown state (please contact support).
- None : A final result for the process has not occured yet.
- Delivered : The postal communication was successfully delivered to the recipient.
- Declined : The postal communication was rejected by the recipient.
- Cancelled : The request was cancelled by the issuer.
- Expired : It was not possible to complete the delivery in the deadline established by the postal service.
- Failed : An error has occurred that hinders the normal processing of the postal communication.
- OutcomeDate: Date on which the outcome change occurs.
- CreationDate: Creation time/date of the message.
- SubmittedOn: The request has been received by the system, remaining to be processed by the system.
- ProcessedOn: The request has been processed and the recipients will be notified.
- SentOn: The message has been delivered to the final recipient’s mail server.
- DispatchedOn: The message has been delivered to postal operator.
- DeliveredOn: The message has been delivered to the recipient.
- ClosedOn: Tracking of message has ended.
- Affidavits: List of affidavits associated to the message:
- UniqueId: Unique identifier associated to the affidavit.
- Date: Creation time/date of affidavit.
- EvidenceUniqueId: Unique identifier of the evidence to which this affidavit belongs.
- Description: Description of affidavit.
- Bytes: Data (bytes) of affidavit.
- TotalMatches: Number of logs (total) matching the query.
- OnlineRetentionPeriod: Time (in years) of online retention.
- NotaryRetentionPeriod: Time (in years) of retention at the notary's office.
- NotaryProfile: Notary’s identifier who will carry out custody at the notary’s office
- SourceChannel: Indicates the channel through which the evidence was issued (Web, Api, Smtp).
Example of answer in JSON
{ "Results": { "EvidenceId":"3977d143-a6cb-4642-abc6-a33b016cbec2", "LookupKey":"a2R4S25kWiu79fsbubSXkw==", "RecipientName":"ENTREGADO - Juan Españool", "Address": { "StreetAddress":"Gran via 74, 5.. A", "PostalCode":"28014", "Locality":"Madrid", "Region":"Madrid", "Country":"ES" }, "State>Sent", "StateDate":"2014-05-30T22:08:07+02:00", "LastStateChangeDate":"2014-05-30T22:08:11+02:00", "Outcome":"None", "OutcomeDate":"2014-05-30T22:07:59+02:00", "CreationDate":"2014-05-30T22:07:59.797569+02:00", "SubmittedOn":"2014-05-30T22:07:59+02:00", "ProcessedOn":"2014-05-30T22:08:03+02:00", "SentOn":"2014-05-30T22:08:07+02:00", } "TotalMatches":1 }
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