Versions Compared


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  • LookupKey[optional]: Identifier allocated by the user, it can be used later to locate an evidence through the query web service (EviSignQuery).

  • Subject: Subject of the contract to be sent.

  • Document: Document or contract to be signed by the parties (in PDF format).

  • From [Optional] :E-mail address with which the FROM of the EviMail e-mail will be configured. The submit will validate that the address is configured in the sending user's account and that the domain is verified. 

  • DisableSenderOnNotifications (boolean) [Optional] : Disables the display of the Sender in notification emails. It has FALSE value by default; in case of being informed with TRUE value, the display of the Sender in the notification emails will be disabled. It can only be used in case the FROM is being modified.

    Note: Disabling this option may affect the traceability of the EviMail, as this sender is used to make status updates by means of the replies made by the recipient's mail server.

  • SigningParties: List of signers of the document, with the following data for each signer:

    • Name: Full name of the person who must sign the document/contract.

    • Address: E-mail address or telephone number of the signer, to which the signature request will be sent.

    • SigningOrder: Order in which the signers will have the opportunity to sign the document and attachment(s) where appropriate. If not specified, it will be sent to all of them at the same time. It is a positive integer, and the same value can be specified for more than one signer. This allows a particular group of signers to sign at the same time, even before or after other signers sign.

    • SigningMethod: Type of signature to request. [More information on section "Examples and further information about parameters"]:

      • Challenge: Challenge question/answer. The operation will be carried out if the question selected as challenge by the issuer to be answered correctly.

      • EmailPin: Security code PIN sent to e-mail. The operation will be carried out after identifying the user that accesses or signs, requesting a random PIN sent to his e-mail address.

      • Handwriting: Digitalized signature. Handwritten digitalized signature or dynamic biometrics signature, depending on the capture device.

      • MobilePin: Security code PIN sent to mobile phone. The operation will be carried out after identifying the user that accesses or signs, requesting a random PIN sent to his mobile phone.

      • WebClick: Click in web through safe link or locator. The operation will be carried out if the reference or locator of the message is known.

      • Other values ​​that should only be reported if the corresponding method has been selected are as follows:

        • PhoneNumber: Mobile phone number to send the PIN to when the signing method is MobilePin.

        • AllowVoicePinFallback: It indicates whether the signer can choose to be informed of the signature PIN by voice call, in case PIN forwarding is requested. Only applicable when the signature method is MobilePin.

        • WhatsAppPinPolicy: Indicates the default value for the PIN sending policy by WhatsApp. It only applies when the signature method is MobilePin.

          • Disabled: The WhatsApp channel is not enabled to send the PIN. Corresponds to the Normal delivery policy (by SMS).

          • Optional: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN as an alternative to SMS.

          • Fallback: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN only on retry.

        • SignDeliveryObsolete. Since August 2018 this parameter is obsolete and is only maintained for backward compatibility reasons. You must use the SignStep parameter that is explained on this page.

        • EmailAddress: Email account to send the PIN to when the chosen method is EmailPin.

        • SignatureChallenge: Question asked when the signature method is Challenge.

        • SignatureChallengeResponse: Answer to the previous question.

        • AddressType: Via by which you want to notify the signer. It can be through a phone number "PhoneNumber" or an email account "Email".

        • *Note: The PIN code has a life time of 60 minutes, after this time it will be necessary to request another PIN code. The number of 9 attempts to correctly enter the PIN code sent is also established.

    • SignerGeoLocationPolicy [Optional]: This setting allows the sender to request the browser location data from the signer during the signing process.

      • Required: The collection of coordinates is enabled and also mandatory for the signature.

      • Enabled: Collection of coordinates enabled but not mandatory for signature.

      • Disabled: Coordinates collection for signature disabled.

    • LegalName: Legal name, tax id, identity document and/or full name of the individual recipient of the message (the more identifying data the better).

    • DisableSignRequests: It disables sending a notification or any signature request reminder/forwarding to the notification address. The signature will be carried out using a tablet or through representative signature. It can only contain two values “true” or "false". If "true" the signature request is not sent. Incompatible with AttachToSignatureRequest/SignatureRequestInfoText if all signers set it to “true”. By default is "false".

    • DisableFinalNotification: It disables the sending of the final notification to the signer once signed/rejected. It can only contain two values "true" or “false”. If "true" the final notification is not sent. This option is incompatible with AttachToFinalNotification o FinalNotificationInfoText if all signers set it to “true”. By default is "false".

    • DisableStateNotifications: It disables the sending of state change notifications to the signer (for example, expire or cancelled). It can only contain two values "true" or "false". If "true" state change notifications are not sent. By default is "false".

    • RequiresCaptcha: Enable turing test (captcha) in the signature. It can only contain two values "true" or "false". If "true" the captcha is disabled.

    • SignatureAppearances: Information about the geometric position in which the signature must be entered in the contract. [More information on section "Examples and further information about parameters"]:

    • This position is indicated by including the position in JSON format.

    • SignatureQuestions: List of questions the signer must answer during the signature process. There can be several questions, and they are all included in the node SignatureQuestion. [More information on section "Examples and further information about parameters"]:

      • NOTE: Contact, before using this node.

      • NOTEIt is highly important to respect "case sensitive" of parameter TypeName.

      • Key: Question identifier, which will serve the transmitting system to find the answer given by the user. It is recommended to include unique words such as NIF, Account, email.

      • Label: Text to be shown to the user as a question to enter.

      • TypeName: Identifier of the type of question, which will allow the validation of the data entered by the signer. It is important to respect "case sensitive" of the names shown below:

        • SpanishDocumentId: Identity document with validation of NIF, NIE and company’s NIF.

        • DocumentId: Identity document without validation.

        • BankAccount: Bank account (letters and numbers without restrictions).

        • BankAccountES: Old Spanish bank account or CCC (legacy).

        • BankAccountIBAN: -> European bank account where the account is not validated, only the IBAN control digit.

        • BankAccountIBANES: -> Bank account with Spanish IBAN (both IBAN control digit of bank account are validated).

        • EmailAddress: Email with validation of being well formed, but it does not validate if it is a valid address or the signer's address.

        • IntlVatId: Tax identifier.

        • SwiftCode: SWIFT code.

        • SpanishVatId: Spanish tax identifier.

        • PhoneNumber: Telephone number in international format (por example, +34914237080).

        • Password: Password.

        • Text: Text: letters, numbers and/or punctuation marks with the value of the requested data.

        • MultiLineText: Multiline text: several lines with letters, numbers and/or punctuation marks with the value of the requested data.

        • Number: Integer with sign.

        • Decimal: Number with decimals and/or sign.

        • Date: Date in format dd-mm-yyyy.

        • CheckBox: Mark or unmark the checkbox.

        • SelectList: Choose one option from the list.

        • Image: Upload an image or photo.

        • File: Attach file.

        • DynamicSignature: Visual representation of the handwritten signature along with biometric information.

      • DefaultValue: Default value to be displayed.

      • Required: It indicates if the signer must compulsorily answer the question.

    • Language: Represents the language in which you want to see some data of the notifications and that are provided by the operating system or the browser (culture). Values ​​that can be indicated are type: es (for Spanish), en (for English), ca (for Catalan), pt (for Portuguese) and fr (for French).

      • In case of indicating a Language that does not exist, a CultureNotFoundException is displayed.

    • Role: The signer’s role. He can be:

      • Signer: Signer.

      • Reviewer: Reviewer. He/she can accept or reject the EviSign, but he/she does not appear as the signer.

    • SignStep: Time when signature process is carried out. More information clicking here

    • FinalNotificationAddress: It represents the email address to which the final notification will be sent.

    • DeliverySubDomain: Registered Delivery Channel identifier to upload the signature portal from an iframe.

    • DeliveryCustomUrl: Redirect URL for the signer to access the appropriate Delivery Channel. Optional, it can only be indicated if DeliverySubDomain is reported.

    • DeliveryWebView: Registered Delivery Channel identifier to upload the signature portal from a mobile app.

    • DelegatedSignature: Indicates if delegated signature is activated

      • WhatsAppPinPolicy: Indicates the default value for the PIN sending policy by WhatsApp. It only applies when the signature method is MobilePin.

        • Disabled: The WhatsApp channel is not enabled to send the PIN. Corresponds to the Normal delivery policy (by SMS).

        • Optional: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN as an alternative to SMS.

        • Fallback: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN only on retry.

    • SignatureRequestTemplate: Contains the identifier of the template to be used in the signature request communication.

    • SignatureRequestTemplateValues: It contains an array of value keys, where the variables defined in the template content and the value it receives in the emission are reported. 

    • SignatureReminderTemplate: Contains the identifier of the template to be used in the reminder communication.

    • SignatureReminderTemplateValues:  It contains an array of value keys, where the variables defined in the template content and the value it receives in the emission are reported. 

    • FinalNotificacionTemplate: Contains the identifier of the template to be used in the final notification communication.

    • FinalNotificacionTemplateValues:  It contains an array of value keys, where the variables defined in the template content and the value it receives in the emission are reported. 

    • ProgressNotificationTemplate: Contains the identifier of the template to be used in the progress communication.

    • ProgressNotificationTemplateValues:  It contains an array of value keys, where the variables defined in the template content and the value it receives in the emission are reported. 

  • InterestedParties: List of interested parties of the document, with the following data for each interested party:

    • Name: Full name of the person receiving the information.

    • LegalName: Legal name, tax id, identity document and/or full name of the individual recipient of the message (the more identifying data the better).

    • Address: E-mail address of the interested party to whom the notification will be sent once the document has been signed.

  • Options: Sending/processing options of the message:

    • CostCentre [optional]: In terms of invoicing, it allows to group sendings. to automate invoicing and to allocate expense.

    • TimeToLive (minutes): Time (in minutes) that the message/contract will be available before proceeding to close the tracking of the message. In those cases in which the notification/contract is accessible via a link, once that period has elapsed and if it has never been accessed, this link is no longer available.

      • Number of minutes.

    • SignatureRequestInfoText: Text appearing in the notification "Signature request". This field can be formatted using the markup wikiplex.

    • LandingPageInfoText: Text appearing on the initial page of the EVICERTIA signature process website. This field can be formatted using the markup wikiplex.

    • FinalNotificationInfoText: Text that appears in the notification that is sent indicating the final state of the contract (if it has been signed, rejected or expired). This field can be formatted using the markup wikiplex.

    • SignedRedirectUrl: URL to which the contract is redirected once the signature process is completed:

      • This website is usually on the client's own server, and may contain more information about what type of information the signer can receive in the following steps.

      • It is important that this URL exists on the client's server because otherwise, and depending on the configuration of the client's servers, you will receive a 404 or page not found.

      • Furthermore, EVICERTIA provides additional information indicating whether the contract has been accepted or rejected as a parameter in the URL. See section "Examples and further information about parameters."

    • RequireCaptchaObsolete. Since September 2014 this parameter is deprecated and is only maintained for backwards compatibility reasons. You must use the RequiresCaptcha parameter at SigningParties level explained on this page.

    • EvidenceAccessControlMethod: Access control method to the custody. Values to be displayed are as follows:

      • AutoChallenge: Request of random known data, the operation will be carried out if a random question about a known data, such as the e-mail address of the recipient, is answered correctly.

      • Challenge: Challenge question/answer, the operation will be carried out if the question selected as challenge by the issuer to be answered correctly.

      • Session: Users of related sites (issuer/recipient).

      • Public: Anyone who knows the link will be able to access the content.

      • Other values ​​that should only be reported if the corresponding method has been selected are as follows:

        • EvidenceAccessControlChallenge: If option Challenge has been selected as EvidenceAccessControlMethod this is where you specify the question.

        • EvidenceAccessControlChallengeResponse: If Challenge has been selected as EvidenceAccessControlMethod this is where you specify the answer to the question raised in EvidenceAccessControlChallenge.

    • AttachToFinalNotification: It allows to modify the content of the final notification indicating that the contract has been signed, and the main document and attachments can be added to the notification:

      • EvidenceAttachments: It allows to send the attachments included as part of the notification or contract.

      • EvidenceContent: It allows to send the main document included as part of the notification or contract.

      • EvidenceContentAndAttachments: It allows to send the main document and the attachments included as part of the notification or contract.

      • Nothing [By default]: By default, notifications are sent without any type of attachment.

    • AttachToSignatureRequest: It allows to modify the content of the signature request notification, and the main document and attachments can be added to the notification.

      • EvidenceAttachments: It allows to send the attachments included as part of the notification or contract.

      • EvidenceContent: It allows to send the main document included as part of the notification or contract.

      • EvidenceContentAndAttachments: It allows to send the main document and the attachments included as part of the notification or contract.

      • Nothing [By default]: By default, notifications are sent without any type of attachment.

    • AdditionalCommitments: By default, the text "By marking ACCEPT and then pressing the SIGN button, you are formally declaring that you ACCEPT the contents and documents that are shown herein, and in particular, you acknowledge that:." Here you can add as a list a series of additional clauses that you want to be signed (LOPD (Organic Law for Data Protection) consent, particular conditions,...). These conditions are registered in the following strings:

      • string: Conditions to be shown as lists and that are indicated in the previous point.

      • More information on section "Examples and further information about parameters"

    • CustomFields: It allows to include internal fields when submitting contracts that will be used later in the searches, and whose objective is to allow business validations to be included before submitting contracts. The information included in this node is displayed in LookupKey:

      • CustomField: within the node CustomFields, 1 a n CustomField can be included. Fields that may be completed are as follows:

        • Key: identifier or key of the CustomField. Compulsory.

        • Label: Label that you want to define. Compulsory.

        • Value: Value. Compulsory.

        • IsLookupLey: It can only contain two values "true" or "false". If "true" then the value will be included within the lookupkey and indexed to increase the speed of searching.

        • TypeName: : Type of field to be displayed

          • Text: It allows to include any type of text.

        • DefaultValue: It allows to include a default value within CustomField.

        • DefaultValueIsForced: If "true" then the value is required to be included.

        • Required: It can only contain two values "true" or "false". If "true" then the value is compulsory.

        • ValidationRegex: It allows to include regex expressions that will validate whether or not the entered value complies with these regular expressions. If it is not met, the validation message or validationmessages will be displayed.

        • ValidationMessage: Validation message when the value entered does not comply with the regular expression.

        • MaxLength: Number representing the maximum length that the additional field will have.

      • It is recommended to contact support before using these options.

      • More information on section "Examples and further information about parameters"

    • CustomLayoutLogoUrl [optional]: Allows to set a custom logo URL. This logo will be used to replace the existing logo during the delivery process.

    • OnlineRetentionPeriod [optional]: Time (in years) of online retention. Default value is 1 year. This parameter is important for invoicing purposes.

    • NotaryRetentionPeriod [optional]: If enabled, a 5-year notarial retention will be applied; otherwise nothing will be applied. This parameter is important for invoicing purposes.

    • NotaryProfile [optional]: Notary’s identifier who will carry out custody at the notary’s office It should appear if a NotaryRetentionPeriod greater than (0) years is selected.

    • GeneratedSignedDocument [optional]: The activation of this option will generate a new PDF document, with the original content, in which the signatures of each signatory will be inserted. In addition, these signatures will be graphically represented in the document if the signature position values are added for each signatory. This new document is independent from the affidavits generated during the signature process. It can only have two values true or false. If true, this functionality is activated. Default is false. 

    • GenerateSignedDocumentOptions [optional]: These options allows to define the certificate used to certificate the content of the EviSign. It requires GenerateSignedDocument to be informed and with value="true". 

      • CertificationCertificate: This parameter allows to define the certificate, several premises must be met, the site and user must have the selected signature profile defined and it must also be active in Evicertia's platform.

    • CommitmentOptions [optional]: Text appearing in the checks of the EVICERTIA page to reach an agreement. Possible values are as follows:

      • Accept, Text "Accept" appears in EviSign and check "Accept" appears on the agreement page.

      • Reject, Text "Reject" appears in EviSign and check "Reject" appears on the agreement page.

      • AcceptOrReject, text "Accept/Reject" appears in EviSign and checks "Accept" and "Reject"appear on the agreement page. This is the default value.

    • CommitmentCommentsAllowed [optional]: It indicates whether or not to include comments in the rejection of the agreement:

      • True: Comments are allowed. This is the default value, but "CommitmentOptions" must be different from "Accept".

      • False: Comments are not allowed.

    • RejectReasons [optional]: Specifies a list of reasons for rejection, which will be displayed to the user in a drop-down so that he/she can select one of them, must be used together with the parameters:

      • CommitmentOptions : “Reject” or “AcceptOrReject”

      • CommitmentCommentsAllowed : True

    • RequireRejectReason [optional]: Boolean parameter, which indicates whether it is mandatory to indicate a reason for rejection to confirm a notification. Default value is false. must be used together with the parameters:

      • CommitmentOptions : “Reject” o “AcceptorReject”

    • CertificationLevel: It specifies the level of tracking and certification that will be applied to the message (EviMail, EviSms, EviNotice). Values to be displayed are as follows:

      • None: None – Only tracking of status, alerts and traceability.

      • Standard: Standard – Generation of an affidavit (receipt) when the tracking of status is over.

      • Advanced: Advanced – several affidavits (one for each event) and timestamp. This is the default value. This parameter is important for invoicing purposes.

    • AffidavitKinds [optional]: List of Affidavit kinds. It specifies which Affidavits will be generated during the process. This parameter is important for invoicing purposes. Values to be displayed are as follows:

      • Submitted: An Affidavit will be generated when the document has been processed locally, certifying its contents and making it ready for signature.

      • SubmittedAdvanced: An Affidavit will be generated when the document has been processed locally, and its content is certified and included in the affidavit, ready for its signature.

      • SignatureRequestResult: An Affidavit will be generated when:

        • The system completed the sending successfully

        • The system was unable to complete the sending successfully, exhausting all sending attempts

      • FinalNotificationResult: An Affidavit will be generated when:

        • The system successfully sent the final signature notification to one of the signers

        • The system was unable to complete the sending successfully, exhausting all sending attempts

      • PartyCommitted: An Affidavit will be generated when the signer made a signature accepting/rejecting the document.

      • Attachment: An Affidavit will be generated when the system confirmed the acceptance of all signatories and/or rejection of any of them on the individually displayed attachment.

      • Main: An Affidavit will be generated when the system confirms the acceptance of all signatories and/or rejection of any of them.

      • Event: An Affidavit will be generated when the system received an event considered relevant that does not have a specific affidavit kind.

      • Summary: A new Affidavit (summary) will be generated at the issuer's request with the information gathered at the time of closing the transaction.

      • OnDemand: A new affidavit will be generated (on demand) at the request of the issuer with the information collected until the moment.

      • Failed: An Affidavit will be generated when a failure occurs in the notification process.

      • SignatureRequestDispatched: An Affidavit will be generated when the signature request sent, after rendering the template provided by the client.

      • FinalNotificationDispatched: An Affidavit will be generated when the final notification is sent to the signatories, after rendering the template provided by the client.

    • AffidavitProfile: Specifies what and how affidavits will be generated during the process. It is not compatible with the AffidavitKinds parameter, only one of them can be invoked; if both are invoked, the result is a message informing of this fact. This parameter is important for billing purposes. The values to be displayed are as follows:

      • None: None affidavit will be generated.

      • Basic: Generation of an affidavit (receipt) when the tracking of status is over. This is the default value in case of selecting Standard in CertificationLevel.

      • AdvancedContentOnSubmit: Several affidavits (one for each event) and timestamp. The content certification affidavit will show the body of the message and the attachments.

      • AdvancedContentOnClose: everal affidavits (one for each event) and timestamp. Generation of an affidavit (receipt) when the tracking of status is over. The affidavit receipt will show the body of the message and the attachments. This is the default value in case of selecting Advanced in CertificationLevel.

      • AdvancedContentOnSubmitAndOnClose: Several affidavits (one for each event) and timestamp. The content certification affidavit and the affidavit receipt will show the body of the message and the attachments. In addition, an affidavit will be generated after the tracking ends.

    • AffidavitsOnDemandEnabled: It allows to activate the affidavit generation upon request capability. AffidavitProfile value needs to be AdvancedContentOnSubmitAdvancedContentOnClose, or AdvancedContentOnSubmitAndOnClose.

    • FinalRejectedNotificationInfoText: Text that appears in the notification that is sent indicating the final state of the contract (if it has been signed, rejected or expired).

    • SignatureReminderInfoText: Text appearing in the notification "Signature request reminder". This field can be formatted using the markup wikiplex.

    • ExpiredNotificationInfoText: Text appearing in the notification that is sent when the contract has expired.

    • NumberOfReminders: Number of notifications that you want to configure as a reminder in the signature request. The notification service has the following limitations:

      • If it is specified or it is specified that it is equal to zero, the default notifications of EVICERTIA are set, which at this time it is a reminder when 50% of the time set for the expiration of the EviSign or TTL has elapsed.

      • Si the TTL is less than 7200 (60x24x5) reminders will not be sent. This value is set as the minimum default value from which reminders are sent.

      • If a very high number of reminders is indicated for a very short time to live (TTL) or when there is more than one a day, for example 10 notifications in two days, the following error is returned: The number of reminders is too big for the configured time to live.

      • For all other cases, you can configure the number of reminders you want as long as there is more than one day between reminders.

      • This parameter is incompatible with the parameter Reminders.

    • Reminders: Set how often signature reminders will be made. This parameter is incompatible with NumberOfReminders.

      • *Initial: String, time interval in ISO8601 format specifying the number of days or weeks after which the first signature reminder will be issued (from the EviSign issue date).

      • Repeat: String, Time interval in ISO8601 format indicating the frequency with which the set configuration for signature reminders is repeated.

      • Days: Array, indicates the days of the week on which signature reminders will be sent. This field is configured as a list of the days of the week in English, separated by ",". Default: [ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday ]

      • TimeRange: Array, indicates the time ranges selected for sending signature reminders. Allowed time ranges:

        • FROM08TO10: 08:00 - 10:00

        • FROM10TO12: 10:00 - 12:00

        • FROM12TO15: 12:00 - 15:00

        • FROM15TO19: 15:00 - 19:00

        • FROM19TO22: 19:00 - 22:00

        • Default: [FROM08TO10, FROM10TO12, FROM12TO15, FROM15TO19, FROM19TO22]

      • Max: Number, indicates the maximum number of signature reminders that can be sent during the lifetime of the signature process.

      • Stop: String, time interval in ISO8601 format representing the deadline for sending the last signature reminder.

      • TimeZone: String, name of the TimeZone (with the values of the TimeZones Etc/GMT) to be used for the calculation of the time when the reminders will be sent. Default: Etc/GMT0

    • Language: It represents the language in which you want to see some data of the notifications and that are provided by the operating system or the browser (culture). Values ​​that can be indicated are type: es (for Spanish), en (for English), ca (for Catalan) and pt (for Portuguese) and fr (for French).

      • In case of indicating a Language that does not exist, a CultureNotFoundException is displayed.

    • AffidavitLanguage: It represents the language in which you want to generate the affidavits. Values ​​that can be indicated are type: es (for Spanish), en (for English), ca (for Catalan) and pt (for Portuguese).

      • In case of indicating a Language that does not exist, a CultureNotFoundException is displayed.

    • SummaryAffidavit: Allows to generate an affidavit at the end of the process with the possibility to customise the content of the affidavit and hide some fields if desired.

      • IncludeDocument: Indicates if the document must be added in the affidavit.

      • IncludeEvents: Indicates if the events should be added in the Affidavit.

      • IncludeAttachments: Indicates if the attachments should be added in the affidavit.

      • IncludedCommitments : Indicates if signatures of signatories should be added in the affidavit.

        • None: Signatures are not added to the affidavit. This is the default value.

        • Signers: The signatures of the participants with signatory role are added ("Signer").

        • Reviewers: The signatures of participants with a reviewer role are added ("Reviewer").

        • All: The signatures of the participants with a reviewer and signatory role are added.

      • Masking:List of texts and/or known fields to be masked.

        • Texto: Content present in the affidavit to be masked that is not present in the document.

        • Campos conocidos:

          • $SigningParties.Email

          • $SigningParties.PhoneNumber

          • $SigningParties.Address

          • $SigningParties.FinalAddressNotification


  • Code Block
    "SummaryAffidavit" :
        "IncludeEvents" : "False",
        "IncludeAttachments" : "False",
        "IncludedCommitments" : "Signers",
        "Masking" : ["","$SigningParties.Email"]
    • SecurityTags: Security labels, and they serve to control access to an EviSign. Only users with the same tag will be able to access the same document.

      • It is important to note that tags must be less than 16 characters, and there can only be one tag per EviSign.

      • In the case of Rest/JSON it must be reported as indicated in the specifications below.

    • PushNotificationUrl: URL of contract’s issuer to which EVICERTIA will do a POST when an event related to the contract occurs, sending a JSON with information about the event Therefore, the issuer can develop a controller that allows to capture these requests and proceed to update the status of the contracts in its own information systems. In case of not being able to push the indicated URL, the platform has a system of 10 retries with the following times between retries: 30 Seconds, 30 Seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 Hour, 5 Hours, 15 hours, 1 Day and 6 Hours.

    • PushNotificationFilter: List of events you would like to be notified of in PushNotificationUrl. Possible values are:

      • Processed: The contract has been admitted in the system and is ready to be sent.

      • Sent: The signature notification has been sent to the signer.

      • Delivered: Confirmation of delivery of signature notification to the signer has been received.

      • Signed: The signer has signed the contract.

      • Rejected: The signer has rejected the contract.

      • FullySigned: All the signers have signed the contract.

      • FullySent: The signature request has been sent to all the signers.

      • FullyDelivered: The signature request has been delivered to all the signers.

      • Closed: The contract is closed, no further events are expected.

      • AffidavitPublished: A new Affidavit has been generated, it was requested on demand by the issuer and will contain the information collected so far.

    • PushNotificationExtraData: Text field in which the issuer of the contract may indicate additional data. These data will be sent later in each push notification that is made.

    • InterestedPartiesNotifications:  List of events you would like to be notified to interested parties. Possible values are

      • Sent: Notifies when the EviSign has been sent to all parties.

      • FinalNotificationSent: Notifies when the final signature notification has been sent.

      • Signed: Notifies when the EviSign has been signed by all parties.

      • PartySigned: Notifies when one of the parties has signed.

      • Rejected: Notifies when an EviSign has been rejected.

      • Expired: Notifies when an EviSign has expired

      • Failed: Notifies when an error has occurred during the life cycle of an EviSign.

      • Cancelled: Notifies when an EviSign signature has been cancelled.

        How to set interested parties notifications

        Code Block
            "subject": "Example interestedParties",
            "signingParties": [
                    "address": "",
                    "Name": "Signer name ",
                    "signingMethod": "WebClick"
            "interestedParties": [
                    "name": "Interested partie name 1",
                    "legalName": "111114C",
                    "address": ""
                    "name": "Interested partie name 2",
                    "legalName": "111115C",
                    "address": ""
            "options": {
                "interestedPartiesNotifications": [
            "document": "{{documentBase64}}"


    • Attachments: List [optional] with message attachments.

      • DisplayName: Name of the attachment.

      • FileName: Name of the file.

      • MimeType[optional]: Information on mime type of attachment.

      • ContentId[optional]: Mime identifier of the attachment.

      • ContentDescription[optional]: Mime description of the attachment.

      • Data: Content (bytes) of the file to be attached.

      • Attributes[optional]: Attributes that we want to indicate about the attachment:

        • Attribute: This property will contain as many Attribute nodes as needed and within them different key-values ​​are allocated:

          • Key: Name of the key.

          • Value: Value for the previous key.

        • Here below are the key-values ​​that can be used in this node:

          • Key = RequireContentCommitment, Value = true, indicates that attachments must be signed, regardless of the contract itself.

          • Key = RequireContentCommitmentOrder, Value = Number, indicates the order number in which the attachment will be displayed:

            • After the Main Document: Positive value greater than '0'.

            • Before the Main Document: Negative value lower than '0'.

            • Notes:

              • Values must be other than 0.

              • For multiple attachments, the values ​​must be different and will be are sorted from highest negative to highest positive.

        • Here below there is an example of a node attachment with a node attributes


Code Block
			"SummaryAffidavit" :
				"IncludeEvents" : "False",
				"IncludeAttachments" : "False",
				"IncludedCommitments" : "Signers",
				"Masking" : ["","$SigningParties.Email"]


Code Block
			"SummaryAffidavit" :
				"IncludeEvents" : "False",
				"IncludeAttachments" : "False",
				"IncludedCommitments" : "Signers",
				"Masking" : ["","$SigningParties.Email"]


Code Block
			"SummaryAffidavit" :
				"IncludeEvents" : "False",
				"IncludeAttachments" : "False",
				"IncludedCommitments" : "Signers",
				"Masking" : ["","$SigningParties.Email"]


Code Block
			"SummaryAffidavit" :
				"IncludeEvents" : "False",
				"IncludeAttachments" : "False",
				"IncludedCommitments" : "Signers",
				"Masking" : ["","$SigningParties.Email"]


Example of request in JSON
Code Block
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Host:  {
	"LookupKey" : "Evi",
	"Subject" : "Enviando eViSign via WS",
	"Document" : "[ATTENTION: attachment BASE64 in PDF format would appear here]",
		"Name" : "PruebasEvi en Hotmail",
		"Address" : "",
		"SigningMethod" : "EmailPin"
	"Options" : {}



Example of request in JSON
Code Block
Attachments:[optional] List of message attachments:

Note: for a higher compression BASE64 of PDF file has been replaced by the tag "[ATTENTION: BASE64 for the PDF file would appear here]".

In case of successful sending, the identifier allocated to the evidence (uniqueId) that can be used later to consult its state is returned

Example of answer in JSON



Idempotence Activation

There is the option to activate the idempotency capability to avoid sending the same EviSign more than once in case of repeated submitting. For that, a request with the name "X-Evi-IdempotencyToken", must be added to the request headers, adding as a value some random text (the use of a GUID is recommended).


By marking ACCEPT and then pressing the SIGN button, you are formally declaring that you ACCEPT the document and contents that are shown herein, and in particular, you acknowledge that: *



As indicated above, CustomsFields are internal fields that allow data that later will be included in the searches to be included, and they also add logic from EVICERTIA’s client business when submitting contracts.


  • If these are issued EviSignSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.IsLookupKey=true and in addition EviSignSubmit.LookupKey=My-internal-ID

    • The following error returns:


      Code Block
      		"Message":"Custom fields will overwrite LookupKey. Must empty LookupKey or avoid set IsLookupKey = true on custom fields"
      To solve this error, the node must be reported EviSignSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.IsLookupKey=false or, on the contrary, do not report the node EviSignSubmit.LookupKey
      When node is set to "true" EviSignSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.IsLookupKey, this information will be displayed in the node EviSignQuery.LookupKey.
      Information appearing in EviSignSubmit.LookupKey node is the information included in the node EviSignSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.Value
      It should also be taken into account that since node EviSignSubmit.CustomFields.CustomField.Value can be repeated several times, so in node EviSignQuery.LookupKey it is separated by "::". Please find here below part of an answer from EviSignQuery:


As shown in the example, two different EviSignSubmit. CustomFields.CustomField. Value were issued, one with value A0000000 and the other one 7777A. 






Page number on which the signature will be displayed



Represents the distance in points of the upper right corner of the signature box from the bottom edge of the signature box.

Image Removed
Image Added


Represents the distance in points in the upper left corner of the signature box from the bottom edge of the signature box.

Image Removed
Image Added


Represents the distance in dots from the bottom left corner of the signature box, from the left-hand side.

Image Removed
Image Added


Represents the distance in points from the top right corner of the signature box, from the left-hand side.

Image Removed
Image Added


null >> The signature area shall be set in the signed document affidavit.

0 >> The signature area shall be set in the signed document affidavit.

1 >> The signature area will be set in the original signed document, this is a GSD functionality.



If you want, for example, to raise the signature up, you only need to increase both Top and Bottom values ​​in the same amount.


Here below there are a couple of examples of how the node of SignatureQuestions is completed 

Only one question
Code Block
		"Label":"Document Id",



Two questions
Code Block
			"Label":"Document Id",
			"Label":"Email of document’s signer",



Some images to see the difference between including or not including this value are shown below:


<typ:PushNotificationFilter> <typ:EviSignSubmit.PushNotifications>Name of the event</typ:EviSignSubmit.PushNotifications> </typ:PushNotificationFilter> 

Example of push notification answer (PROCESSED)
Code Block
		"Identifier": "3b61916c-c442-419f-8f71-a4cf00d33797",
		"EvidenceId": "8be457b1e2a24570b4ada4cf00d335d2",
		"EvidenceType": "eviSign",
		"Kind": "Processed",
		"Date": "2015-07-08T10:49:00.8907070Z",
		"Site": "soapevi",
		"Owner": "SOAP",
		"OwnerEmail": "",
		"AdditionalData": {


Example of push notification answer (PROCESSED)
Code Block
		"Identifier": "3b61916c-c442-419f-8f71-a4cf00d33797",
		"EvidenceId": "8be457b1e2a24570b4ada4cf00d335d2",
		"EvidenceType": "eviSign",
		"Kind": "Processed",
		"Date": "2015-07-08T10:49:00.8907070Z",
		"Site": "soapevi",
		"Owner": "SOAP",
		"OwnerEmail": "",
		"AdditionalData": {


Example of a push notification answer (SENT)
Code Block
		"Identifier": "dd9f60e5-c880-4c67-8aee-a87000e1b20e",
		"EvidenceId": "00b17d3bfd564dedad32a87000d12f02",
		"EvidenceType": "eviSign",
		"Kind": "Sent",
		"Date": "2018-01-22T13:41:42.8767119+01:00",
		"Site": "pruebas",
		"Owner": "Pruebas evicertia",
		"OwnerEmail": "",
		"AdditionalData": {
			"SignerName": "Pruebas Evicertia",
			"SignerNotificationAddres": "",
			"SignerNotificationAddresType": "EmailAddress",
			"EventDescription": "Sent",
			"SignerRole": "Signer"
			"TransmissionSuccess": true
			"TransmissionDescription": "The signature request has been sent to"
			"Retry": 1,
			"ExtraData": "{\"myId\": \"99cf386b-1590-4ddb-af68-607b3e7c1194\", \"myCreationDate\": \"2018-01-22T12:54:00.4367924+01:00\"}


ISO8601 Notation

The ISO8601 format allows us to create a string of characters that form a time period.
These character strings that define time periods must always be preceded by the letter "P", then the number with the frequency with a maximum of two digits "nn", and finally the daily "D" or weekly "W" frequency must be indicated.
The following examples are given with the above details:



      • Frequency of sending every 7 days: P7D

      • Frequency of sending every 12 days: P12D

      • Frequency of sending every 2 weeks: P2W

