SWS Network guide

SWS Network guide


SWS to complete her flow of sign or verify use external services (for example download all the trusted list, send to Namirial server the hash to sign ecc...). Below will be described the main comunication used by SWS. If this comunication aren't enabled, SWS will not work correctly.

Ports and Protocols Usages (firewall rules)

Below the list of port and protocol used by SWS:

OperationDescriptionFrequencyProtocolPortsTCP/UDPAddressSWS Environment
SignatureSends a request to the Namirial server for signing the hashEvery callHTTPS443TCPfra.firmacerta.itPROD
TimestampSends a request to the Namirial server for applying the timestamp to the hashEvery callHTTP80TCPtimestamp.firmacerta.itPROD
TimestampSends a request to the Namirial server for applying the timestamp to the hashEvery callHTTPS443TCP timestamp.firmacerta.itPROD
Verification OCSPSends a request to the OCSP link for checking  the certificate Every call (whenever possible)OCSP80TCPIt depends on the the CA that issued the certificate for the signature. For Namirial, the link is: "ocsp.firmacerta.it"PROD
SignatureThis operation sends a request to the Namirial server for signing the hashEvery callHTTPS443TCPfra.test.firmacerta.itTEST
TimestampSends a request to the Namirial server for applying the timestamp to the hashEvery callHTTP80TCPtimestamp.test.firmacerta.itTEST
TimestampSends a request to Namirial server for applying the timestamp to the hashEvery callHTTPS443TCP timestamp.test.firmacerta.itTEST
Verification OCSPFor validate the certificate send request to OCSP for check the certificateEvery call (whenever possible)OCSP80TCPIt depends on the CA issued the certificate used for the signature. For Namirial it's: "ocsp.firmacerta.it"PROD
Verification CRLFor validate the signature certificate check the serial number into CRL
HTTP/LDAP80, 389TCPIt depends on the CA issued the certificate used for the signature. For Namirial it's: "crl.firmacerta.it"PROD
VerificationAt startup SWS download all European Trusted Root from European supervisory agenciences

ec.europa.eu (the full link is: https://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/esignature/trusted-list/tl-mp.xml)

Updates and MonitoringUsed for receiving automatic updates and receive AlwaysJABBER, HTTP, HTTPS5222, 443, 80TCPscm.firmacerta.itTEST, PROD
NTP syncUsed for synchronization of date and timeAlwaysNTP123UDP
Certificate verifierAllow to verify a certificate


Outbound communication to the Namirial FRA service are done through HTTPS, with a mutual authentication, and take place via a unique TLS certificate that Namirial distributes to every applicant, in order to identify the virtual appliance SWS caller.

Here is a table with the incoming protocols:

ServiceDescriptionProtocolPortTCP/UDPSWS Environment
Web ServicesWeb services interfacingHTTP8080TCPTEST, PROD

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