Batch mailings
This module allows the user to create batches of mailings for the services EviSMS, EviMail, EviNotice.
This functionality is designed to be used in campaigns, important notifications, service updates, and any other case where it is necessary to communicate the same message to a large number of people in an efficient way and generating the necessary evidence for our clients.
To access and use this functionality, The site must have a Flag activated for each of the services you want to use and the billing mode “By Submission”. The flags will be activated by the support team upon request of the sales representative.
To use batch sending with EviSMS, the flag must be activated. – BatchEviSMS
To use batch mailing with EviMail, you must enable the flag - BatchEviMail
To use batch shipping with EviNotice, you must enable the flag – BatchEviNotice
In order to be able to send, a user must have the "BatchSender" role. This role can be set by the site administrator.
This functionality is subject to a series of restrictions that must be taken into account when using it.
It can only be used in enabled sites and users: As discussed in the requirements it is necessary to have the functionality enabled for use.
It has a limit of 100,000 shipments per Batch: The total number of recipients that a batch can contain is 100,000.
All batch shipments of all customers share a Rate Limit: This is to ensure the stability of the platform in the moments when several batch shipments are joined together.
This functionality will only be available for sites with billing mode "By Shipment": It is necessary that when creating a Batch the site has the necessary shipments to be able to send to all recipients, these shipments will be discounted at the time the batch is scheduled or ready to be processed.
If the site does not have the required submissions, the application will display an error.
How it works from your website
The first thing to do is to have the necessary permissions enabled as mentioned above in order to use the Batch Send functionality.
Once the permissions are activated the user can see from the home screen of his site that by clicking on the icons of New EviSms, New EviMail and New EviNotice a drop-down menu appears that allows to send in a simple way or to create a new batch.
The same happens when clicking on the EviNotice, EviMail and EviSms tracking buttons. A drop-down menu appears with the options to view My Evi* or My Evi* Batches.
Create a new EviNotice batch
Step 1:
The first step is to click on the EviNotice icon of the section “New Submission”. A submenu is displayed, in this submenu you can see the option "New EviNotice Batch".
When clicking on this option, the application displays the "New Batch" screen, informing that the process consists of 4 steps.
In this first step, a brief description of the lot must be configured in order to find it quickly in the list of lots. In the next field you define the recipients that make up the batch.
To define the recipients you have the option of doing it manually, by copying and pasting into the text field, or by using a CSV file. In both ways, the first row with the headers that make up the list of recipients must be respected. This header is composed of mandatory columns and then additional columns that function as variables when composing the message to the recipient.
EviNotice mandatory columns:
address* : Contains the recipient's email address or mobile phone number (with country code). It is used to send the notification to the recipient
legalname: Company name of the recipient.
lookupkey: Client identifier. Contains a unique identifier of the customer to facilitate the search in your systems.
displayname*: Name of the recipient. Contains the name of the recipient to be displayed in the notifications.
evidenceaccesscontrolchallenge: In case of configuring the evinotice with access to custody through "Challenge", this field contains the question to be answered by the recipient in order to access the evidence generated in the process.
evidenceaccesscontrolchallengeresponse: If the EviNotice is configured with access to custody through "Challenge", this field contains the response that the recipient must give in order to access the evidence generated in the process.
deliverysignchallenge: This column must be accompanied by a value in deliverysignchallengeresponse and sets the EviNotice signature method to "Challenge". It contains the question that the recipient must answer to access the notification message. If this column is informed, the following columns must be empty deliverysignfixedemail, deliverysignfixedmobile. Since only one signature method can be set per recipient.
deliverysignchallengeresponse: This column must be accompanied by a value in deliverysignchallenge and sets the EviNotice signature method to "Challenge". It contains the response to be given by the recipient to access the notification message. If this column is informed, the following columns must be empty deliverysignfixedemail, deliverysignfixedmobile. Since only one signature method can be set per recipient.
deliverysignfixedemail: Sets the signature method as "PIN to email". The recipient will receive a PIN code to the email address set in this field. If this column is informed, the following columns must be empty deliverysignchallenge, deliverysignchallengeresponse, deliverysignfixedmobile. Since only one signature method can be set per recipient.
deliverysignfixedmobile: Set the signature method as "PIN to mobile". The recipient will receive a PIN code to the phone number set in this field. The phone number must contain the country code (e.g. +34666000888). If this column is filled in, the following columns must be empty: deliverysignchallenge, deliverysignchallengeresponse, deliverysignfixedemail. Since only one signature method can be set per recipient.
* These fields are required to be informed in each record.
If none of the delivery* fields are reported, the EviNotice signature method will be set to "WebClick", so the user will see the notification message without first identifying himself/herself.
If evidenceaccescontrolchallenge is not reported, the method of access to the evidence will be "AutoChallenge", where a data known by the recipient is requested, such as the sender's e-mail address.
An EviNotice can be sent by SMS or Email. But when building a Batch all the recipients must have the same communication channel, all by email or all by SMS.
Step 2:
This step allows you to configure the subject of the email notification that the recipient receives and the body of the message that the sender wishes to communicate to the recipient.
Both the subject and the content of the message can be composed using variables.
Variables can be system variables or user variables.
System variables are those that are predefined in the application and contain generic values of the platform.
User variables are those defined by the user when composing the list of recipients. To create user variables, just add more headers, apart from the mandatory ones, when creating the list of recipients, these new headers will be considered as variables and the value is set record by record.
In the following example in bold are the fields added as variables:
When using these variables in the subject or in the body of the message, it should be done in the following way, taking the previous variables as an example,{{@varexample01}}
In this step you can also add attachments. All recipients of the Batch will receive the same attachments.
Step 3
This step allows the configuration of the EviNotice features. These characteristics are shared for all the shipments that make up the batch.
Cost Centre: Cost center for billing grouping.
AffidavitKinds: List of affidavit types to be generated.
Notification Language : Language for the email.
Affidavit Language : Language for the generated affidavits.
Url for event notification : URL to receive status change notifications of the evidence.
Notification filter : List of push notifications expected by the client.
PushNotificationExtraData : Additional data that the sender wishes to include in each push notification.
Agreement possibilities : Allows configuration of whether the recipient can accept/reject the message.
Comments are allowed (bool, optional): Allows the recipient to add comments upon accepting/rejecting.
Reasons for rejection : Specifies a list of possible reasons for rejecting the email.
Reasons for acceptance : Specifies a list of possible reasons for accepting the email.
Reason for rejection required: Requires specifying a reason for rejection.
Reason for acceptance required: Requires specifying a reason for acceptance.
Allow Notification Refusal: Permite al destinario realizar el rehuse de una notificación sin leer el mensaje.
Step 4
This last step allows you to review the batch configuration and set a future shipment execution date or set the shipment to be executed as soon as possible. Once the data has been confirmed and the execution date has been set, click on the continue button to finish creating the batch.
Final Step
This screen displays a summary of the configured batch, along with charts showing the progress of the shipment and the status of the completed shipments. By clicking the 'Close' button, you will be taken to the screen with the batch shipment list.
Create a new EviMail batch
Step 1:
The first step is to click on the EviMail icon of the section “New Submission”. A submenu is displayed, in this submenu you can see the option "New EviMail Batch".
When clicking on this option, the application displays the "New Batch" screen, informing that the process consists of 4 steps.
In this first step, a brief description of the lot must be configured in order to find it quickly in the list of lots. In the next field you define the recipients that make up the batch.
To define the recipients you have the option of doing it manually, by copying and pasting into the text field, or by using a CSV file. In both ways, the first row with the headers that make up the list of recipients must be respected. This header is composed of mandatory columns and then additional columns that function as variables when composing the message to the recipient.
EviMail mandatory columns:
lookupkey: Client identifier. Contains a unique identifier of the customer to facilitate the search in your systems.
EmailAddress* : Contains the recipient's email address. It is used to send the notification to the recipient
legalname*: Company name of the recipient.
evidenceaccesscontrolchallenge: In case of configuring the evinotice with access to custody through "Challenge", this field contains the question to be answered by the recipient in order to access the evidence generated in the process.
evidenceaccesscontrolchallengeresponse: If the EviMail is configured with access to custody through "Challenge", this field contains the response that the recipient must give in order to access the evidence generated in the process.
* These fields are required to be informed in each record.
If evidenceaccescontrolchallenge is not reported, the method of access to the evidence will be "AutoChallenge", where a data known by the recipient is requested, such as the sender's e-mail address.
Step 2:
This step allows you to configure the subject of the email notification that the recipient receives and the body of the message that the sender wishes to communicate to the recipient.
Both the subject and the content of the message can be composed using variables.
Variables can be system variables or user variables.
System variables are those that are predefined in the application and contain generic values of the platform.
User variables are those defined by the user when composing the list of recipients. To create user variables, just add more headers, apart from the mandatory ones, when creating the list of recipients, these new headers will be considered as variables and the value is set record by record.
In the following example in bold are the fields added as variables:
When using these variables in the subject or in the body of the message, it should be done in the following way, taking the previous variables as an example,{{@varexample01}}
In this step you can also add attachments. All recipients of the Batch will receive the same attachments.
Step 3
This step allows the configuration of the EviMail features. These characteristics are shared for all the shipments that make up the batch.
Email to use as sender: This is the email that will be used to configure the FROM header of the notification email.
Do not send the Sender header in notifications emails: This field informs that the EviMail will not carry the Sender header that we use to track the EviMail.
Cost Centre: Cost center for billing grouping.
AffidavitKinds: List of affidavit types to be generated.
Notification Language : Language for the email.
Affidavit Language : Language for the generated affidavits.
Url for event notification : URL to receive status change notifications of the evidence.
Notification filter : List of push notifications expected by the client.
PushNotificationExtraData : Additional data that the sender wishes to include in each push notification.
Agreement possibilities : Allows configuration of whether the recipient can accept/reject the message.
Comments are allowed (bool, optional): Allows the recipient to add comments upon accepting/rejecting.
Reasons for rejection : Specifies a list of possible reasons for rejecting the email.
Reasons for acceptance : Specifies a list of possible reasons for accepting the email.
Reason for rejection required: Requires specifying a reason for rejection.
Reason for acceptance required: Requires specifying a reason for acceptance.
Step 4
This last step allows you to review the batch configuration and set a future shipment execution date or set the shipment to be executed as soon as possible. Once the data has been confirmed and the execution date has been set, click on the continue button to finish creating the batch.
Final Step
This screen displays a summary of the configured batch, along with charts showing the progress of the shipment and the status of the completed shipments. By clicking the 'Close' button, you will be taken to the screen with the batch shipment list.
Create a new EviSMS batch
Step 1:
The first step is to click on the EviMail icon of the section “New Submission”. A submenu is displayed, in this submenu you can see the option "New EviMail Batch".
When clicking on this option, the application displays the "New Batch" screen, informing that the process consists of 4 steps.
In this first step, a brief description of the lot must be configured in order to find it quickly in the list of lots. In the next field you define the recipients that make up the batch.
To define the recipients you have the option of doing it manually, by copying and pasting into the text field, or by using a CSV file. In both ways, the first row with the headers that make up the list of recipients must be respected. This header is composed of mandatory columns and then additional columns that function as variables when composing the message to the recipient.
EviSMS mandatory columns:
lookupkey: Client identifier. Contains a unique identifier of the customer to facilitate the search in your systems.
phoneNumber* : Contains the recipient's phone number. It is used to send the notification to the recipient
legalname*: Company name of the recipient.
evidenceaccesscontrolchallenge: In case of configuring the evinotice with access to custody through "Challenge", this field contains the question to be answered by the recipient in order to access the evidence generated in the process.
evidenceaccesscontrolchallengeresponse: If the EviSMS is configured with access to custody through "Challenge", this field contains the response that the recipient must give in order to access the evidence generated in the process.
* These fields are required to be informed in each record.
If evidenceaccescontrolchallenge is not reported, the method of access to the evidence will be "AutoChallenge", where a data known by the recipient is requested, such as the sender's e-mail address.
Step 2:
This step allows you to configure the body of the message that the sender wishes to communicate to the recipient.
The content of the message can be composed using variables.
Variables can be system variables or user variables.
System variables are those that are predefined in the application and contain generic values of the platform.
User variables are those defined by the user when composing the list of recipients. To create user variables, just add more headers, apart from the mandatory ones, when creating the list of recipients, these new headers will be considered as variables and the value is set record by record.
In the following example in bold are the fields added as variables:
When using these variables in the body of the message, it should be done in the following way, taking the previous variables as an example,{{@varexample01}}
Step 3
This step allows the configuration of the EviSMS features. These characteristics are shared for all the shipments that make up the batch.
Cost Centre: Cost center for billing grouping.
AffidavitKinds: List of affidavit types to be generated.
Notification Language : Language for the email.
Affidavit Language : Language for the generated affidavits.
Url for event notification : URL to receive status change notifications of the evidence.
Notification filter : List of push notifications expected by the client.
PushNotificationExtraData : Additional data that the sender wishes to include in each push notification.
Step 4
This last step allows you to review the batch configuration and set a future shipment execution date or set the shipment to be executed as soon as possible. Once the data has been confirmed and the execution date has been set, click on the continue button to finish creating the batch.
Final Step
This screen displays a summary of the configured batch, along with charts showing the progress of the shipment and the status of the completed shipments. By clicking the 'Close' button, you will be taken to the screen with the batch shipment list.
Examples and CSV files upload of recipients.
CSV EviNotice:
CSV EviMail:
How it works from API
Here you can see how to create an EviNotice batch from API EviNotice Batch Sending
Here you can see how to create an EviMail batch from API EviMail Batch Sending
Here you can see how to create an EviSMS batch from AP IEviSMS Batch Sending