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Please see the following instructions and guides in order to configure and use the whatsapp notification channel successfully.


  • Defined templates for all the supported notification types on Meta profile.

  • Valid credentials for Namirial WhatsApp Gateway.

  • Valid FileHoster configuration in _globalXML

  • Enable WhatsApp feature flag in eSignAnyWhere (AllowWhatsAppNotification) and optionally allow WhatsApp for bulk if required by enabling (BulkEnvelopesWithWhatsAppNotifications).



<notificationPlugin customPluginId="whatsapp" isDefault="0">
            <enabled values="0;1">1</enabled>


URL to the Namirial WhatsApp Gateway. Note: Please enter only the “base URL” without “api/services”

Organization Settings



The username for the WhatsApp Gateway


The password for the WhatsApp Gateway

API Token

The API token for the WhatsApp Gateway

Notification templates mapping JSON

The JSON for the template mapping between eSAW’s Notification Types and Meta’s Template Ids.

WhatsApp notification contents/templates must be defined in Meta-WhatsApp admin panel and cannot be defined or modified in eSignAnyWhere directly. The declared notification templates defined on Meta’s side must be mapped to the notification types sent by eSignAnyWhere.

Example of the mapping JSON

    "Templates": [{
            "NotificationType": "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NAME",
            "WhatsAppTemplateId": "TEMPLATE_ID",
            "Params": []
        }, {
            "NotificationType": "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NAME",
            "WhatsAppTemplateId": "TEMPLATE_ID",
            "Params": [
        }, {
            "NotificationType": "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NAME",
            "WhatsAppTemplateId": "TEMPLATE_ID",
            "Params": [


Please find the available notification types for whatsapp channel in the table below:

Notification Type


Deleted Recipient

Notifies the recipient that the recipient has been removed from a signing task of an envelope

Disclaimer (Download Link)

Notifies the recipient and contains a link to download legally required information about issuance of the disposable certificate.

Envelope cancelled

Notifies the recipient about a cancelled envelope

Envelope deleted

Notifies the recipient about a deleted envelope

Envelope expired (recipient)

Notifies the recipient about an expired envelope

Envelope reset (parallel recipient)

Notifies the recipient who is currently working on an opened envelope, that the envelope was locked and the data reset by the envelope sender in a parallel scenario

Must view

Notifies the recipient about an envelope, which needs to be viewed

Ready for signing (parallel recipient)

Notifies the recipient that the previous signer has finished the envelope

Sign Reminder

The template is used only to define a prefix for the mail subject, when sending a reminder.
The body of the "Remind" template will not be used, as the standard mail body from the "Sign", "Sign (with dynamic app links)", "Sign delegated envelope" is used to send reminders to the recipient.

Sign Delegation Reminder

The template is used only to define a prefix for the mail subject, when sending a reminder.
The body of the "Remind" template will not be used, as the standard mail body from the "Sign", "Sign (with dynamic app links)", "Sign delegated envelope" is used to send reminders to the recipient.

Must View Reminder

The template is used only to define a prefix for the mail subject, when sending a reminder.
The body of the "Remind" template will not be used, as the standard mail body from the "Sign", "Sign (with dynamic app links)", "Sign delegated envelope" is used to send reminders to the recipient.

Send copy of finished envelope to CC recipient

Notifies the CC recipient about finished envelope and includes download link

Send copy of finished envelope to CC recipient (non-registered)

Notifies the non-registered CC recipient about finished envelope and includes download link


Sent to the recipient to invite him to sign a document.
Note that instead of Sign, the "Sign (with dynamic app links)" template is used as at least one of the envelope's API parameters Recipient.AddAndroidAppLink, Recipient.AddIosAppLink,Recipient.AddWindowsAppLink is true.

Sign delegated envelope

Notifies the recipient about delegation of an envelope for signing

Test notification

Test notification which notifies if the configuration for the notification channel is set up correctly


The Id of the template defined on Meta’s account to be used for a specific notification type.


Ordered list of parameters to be replaced in the template’s body. Parameters should be added in the mapping JSON between two '#' marks similar to how they appear in eSignAnyWhere for other notification types. (e.g. #FirstName#).

How to format text





To italicize your message, place an underscore on both sides of the text



To bold your message, place an asterisk on both sides of the text



To strikethrough your message, place a tilde on both sides of the text



To monospace your message, place three backticks on both sides of the text


Bulleted list

To add a bulleted list to your message, place an asterisk or hyphen and a space before each word or sentence:

- text
- text



To add a quote to your message, place an angle bracket and space before the text

> text

Inline code

To add inline code to your message, place a backtick on both sides of the message

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