SWS provides REST interface for Pades and Cades signatures for very large files (you can sign files over 1GB). Without any problem with appliance memory as it handles files with a stream.
At this link:
You can find this two method:
- signPAdES
- signCAdES
Below is the example of signPAdES request with CURL:
curl --form 'credentials="{\"username\":\"DEVICENAME\",\"password\":\"PASSWORD\"}";type=application/json' --form 'preferences="{\"page\":\"1\",\"hashAlgorithm\":\"SHA256\", \"withTimestamp\": \"false\"}";type=application/json' --form file=@FILE_TO_BE_SIGNED.pdf --request POST http://<IP-APPLIANCE>:8080/SignEngineWeb/rest/service/signPAdES --output FILE_SIGNED.pdf
In this example, we are signing the file: "FILE_TO_BE_SIGNED.pdf" and the file signed will be saved in "FILE_SIGNED.pdf".
Below is the example of signCAdES with CURL:
curl -X POST http://<IP-APPLIANCE>:8080/SignEngineWeb/rest/service/signCAdES --form "credentials=@credentials.json;type=application/json" --form "preferences=@cadesPreferences.json;type=application/json" --form file="@File_to_sign.pdf" -o "File_signed.pdf.p7m"
In this example, we are signing the file: "File_to_sign.pdf" and the file signed will be saved in "File_signed.pdf.p7m"
At this link, you can download the preferences and the credentials used.