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Below is a step-by-step instructions instruction on configuring the connector pages to tailor them to your specific requirements.




  1. Open the 'Apps' tab.

  2. Click 'eSignAnyWhereForSharepoint'

  3. Click the 'Create Page' button.

Save thr created connector page



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  1. Configure the 'Title' of the new Sharepoint page ( in our doc documentation it is "eSignAnyWhere")

  2. Click the 'Save' button.


Add the eSignAnyWhere link to the sitemap



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  1. Copy the page link from the browser site-bar.

  2. Click the 'Edit' option on the  ribbon bar.

  3. Click '+' button on navigation panel.

  4. Select the 'Link' option.

  5. Configure the 'Address' field with the page link previously copied in point 1.

  6. Configure 'Display name' field ( in our doc is "eSignAnyWhere").

  7. Click the 'OK' button.

  8. Click the 'Save' button.


Save created connector settings page



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  1. Configure the 'Title' of the new Sharepoint page ( in our doc is "eSignAnyWhere Settins")

  2. Click the 'Save' button.


Add eSignAnyWhere Settins link to sitemap



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  1. Copy the page link from the browser site-bar.

  2. Click 'Edit' on the ribbon bar.

  3. Click the '+' button on navigation panel.

  4. Select the 'Link' option.

  5. Configure 'Address' field with eSignAnyWhere Settings link previously copied.

  6. Configure 'Display name' field (in our doc is "eSignAnyWhere Settings").

  7. Click the 'OK' button.

  8. Click the 'Save' button.
