The version on SWS standalone, is based on Docker image of SWS, if you don’t have a orchestrator in your infrastructure, don’t worry is possible to install in a Linux server without problems (below will be describer described the Linux server supported)
To install the SWS application, you can onPremise, login on your server and run this command:
Code Block |
COMMAND_TO_INSTALLcurl -s -L https://sws.firmacerta.it/download/sws-onpremise/install_sws3x.sh | sudo bash -s |
At the end of this command, you will have SWS ready on port 8080 to work. You can try if has correctly with this command:
Will be displayed a JSON with all configuration of SWS instance like this:
At the end of this command, will be create a service named “sws” (it will run at startup)