Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In addition an electronic signature guide is available for further information (also linked at relevant chapters).To create a new envelope (or documents you want to have signed), just click on “New Document” or directly click “Upload” on the Dashboard. In addition, if you upload a document via Microsoft Office Plugin (available in the user menu top-right), you can select it from the Clipboard.


You also can save the envelope as Draft or Template.

(1) Create Envelope



When you create a new envelope, you can set at least the following parameters:

  • Envelope: Name of the envelope and if you want to prevent the envelope from sharing in your team
  • Documents: The documents in the envelope
  • Recipients: define recipients and their order (sequential or parallel)
    • Recipient Types:
      • Needs to Sign: the recipient must sign the document to continue the workflow
      • Receives a copy: the recipient gets a copy of the documents via email, the workflow continues automatically
      • Needs to view: the recipient must open the document to continue the workflow
      • Bulk: optional feature to split the document to send a unique document to recipients defined in the bulk
      • Automatic Remote Signers: optional feature to sign with an automatic remote signature (For more information: Envelope structure)
      • Needs to Sign (PKCS#7): optional feature to sign a document with a PKCS#7 signature (For more information: Envelope structure)
    • Authentication: define if the recipient has to authenticate
      • Access Code: The recipient has to enter the code to open the envelope (pre-shared code)
      • SMS Code: The recipient receives a SMS with the one-time-password (OTP) to open the envelope
      • Windows-Live Authentication
      • OAuth / SAML / BankID as optional authentication methods (if available and configured)
    • Personal Message for recipient and language
    • Settings for Digital Remote Certificates, Disposable Certificates and SMS-OTP signature (optional)
  • Message: Define the message and subject for the envelope
  • Document Visibility: optional feature, which allows to define the document visibility defined by recipient (only if you use more than one document in the envelope and more than one recipient)
  • Meta Data: if enabled, the sender can add metadata to the envelope (e.g. for hybrid use cases)

    To create an envelope following steps are necessary: Name the envelope, upload a document, select one to many recipients, (additional) design a personal message. The next figures will show you exactly how to create an envelope.

nameCreate Envelope Video.mp4


Create Envelope

  1. Envelope
  2. Documents
  3. Recipients
  4. Message


If you open a template or an envelope, where you have already set signature and form fields, but you need to replace the document without losing the configuration, just click after loading the template or envelope, on the replace icon of the document.


Replace DocumentImage RemovedReplace DocumentImage Added

  1. Replace


The buttons “add bulk” and “bulk CSV template” are features, which are not part of every eSignAnyWhere plan. So you may not see these buttons in your eSignAnyWhere.

Recipient SectionImage Removed

Recipient SectionImage Added

  1. Defines order in workflow
  2. Address book
  3. Phone number
  4. Task
  5. Personal message
  6. Authentication
  7. Additional details



Additional information to the phone number of the recipient: The phone number of the recipient is connected with the following three phone number settings:

  • SMS-Authentication (Authentication settings->SMS-Code)
  • Disposable certificate (Additional details->Disposable Certificate)
  • SMS-OTP Signature (Additional details->SMS-OTP Signature)

If you enter a phone number for the recipient, these three fields are also filled out. You can then either accept the phone number (default) or change the phone number for, for example, SMS-Authentication (custom). For more information please also see the video below.

Authentication SettingsImage Removed
Authentication SettingsImage Added
  1. Authentication settings

namePhone Number Video.mp4

(2) Designer


The Designer helps you to assign predefined signature fields of the document to the recipients and define additional signature fields and form fields.

  • Recipients: Select a recipient for placing signature or form fields by drag and drop. Every recipient has its own color to be easily visible at the document preview.
  • Form fields and predefined fields: signature field and form fields (e.g. text form, checkbox, radio button) and predefined field (e.g. initials of the recipient)
  • Document: The document shows the pages of the envelopes documents and the placed elements (signatures and form fields) can be easily moved, edited (by clicking on it) and deleted (except predefined form fields of the uploaded PDF document).

The next figures show you how to add for example signature fields and textfields in the eSignAnyWhere viewer. In the video you see how you can position the fields and how you can change the settings of the form fields. For example we changed the settings of the first signature field in the video from Click2Sign to Draw2Sign (if you select more than one type, the signer can choose his signing method).

nameDesigner Video.mp4


Designer Overview

  1. Recipients
  2. Tools
  3. Document

Define Signature of Recipient


  • Recipient: which recipient has to sign the field
  • Label: the label of the signature field
  • Required: define if the recipient has to sign it or if the field is optional. If a signature field is required it is highlighted with a red border.
  • Signature Type: you have to select at least one type. You can select more, if you want to give the recipient the option to choose a specific type. You can also define a preselect type (favorite, click on star-icon). Please note, that not all types are available for all customers.
    • Click to Sign: the recipient has just to click on the signature field to sign it
    • Draw to Sign: the recipient can draw his signature (e.g. with finger on touch screen)
    • Type to Sign: the recipient can type his name for signing
    • Biometric Signature: this stores the biometric data of his recorded signature (x,y coordinates; pressure [if available] and time). For that signature type the recipient has to use the SIGNificant SignOnPhone App on his Smartphone or Tablet for recording. The Signature is asymmetrically encrypted and highly secure.
      • withinField: the recorded signature must within the signature field
      • onPage: the recorded signature must be on the page (can be written outside of the signature field)
      • intersectsWithField: the recorded signature must be partly within the signature field (default)
    • Local Certificate: the recipient can use a locally on his device installed certificate for signing.
    • Digital Remote Signature: the recipient uses a remote certificate for signing
    • Disposable Certificate: The recipient will receive an email as usual and when the recipient wants to sign a disposable certificate signature field he/she will get a one-time-password via SMS. The counter on the disposable certificate starts by signing the first signature. (For more Information please have a look into the Beginner Guide)
    • SMS-OTP Signature: The recipient receives a SMS with the one-time-password (OTP)

Required Field

  1. No required field
  2. Required field (highlighted in red)


Signature Settings

  1. Signature settings


To increase the recipient’s user experience, you can use the batch signature. This allows the recipient to sign more than one signature field at once. Therefore, you have to select a first signature field and add the “Batch Signature” option. You can add more signature fields to the multi-signature field. So a signer is optionally able to sign all fields at once!

Per envelope it is also possible to define more than one multi-signature field by configuring different id's for the different batch signatures. Image Added

Properties and Limitations:

  • The signer is asked, if he wants to sign all fields at once or one-per-one.
  • Per envelope only one multi-signature-field can be defined via the Designer (with one to many fields and even within different files)
  • You see the batch-signature-type with the icon
  • If you select a batch-signature field, it adds its properties to the multi-signature-field (e.g. first field ist Click to Sign and second field will be added with Draw to Sign. So the multi-signature-field has two properties: Click to Sign and Draw to Sign). If you change the settings of a batch-signature field, it is applied to all fields of the batch-signature-set.
  • You can use the batch-signature with limited signature types, because not all are able to be supported
  • Changing the recipient of a batch signature causes that this signature field does not remain as a part of the batch anymore
  • If you are using biometric signature as multi-signature, it is just able to use it on one physical document (e.g. contract.pdf in your envelope); because of legal aspects..
  • If you are using a-trust signature as multi-signature, only one a-trust signature per physical document is allowed

The following screenshot show you how to configure batch signing:


Simple BatchImage RemovedImage Added

  1. Simple Batch
  2. Custom batch group
    1. Configure an id to use multiple batch signature types for one envelope

In the drop down for the batch signature (highlighted with the arrow) you have the following options:

Form Fields


A more detailled explaination of the different Form Elements and their properties is contained in the Designer Page chapter of the Application Reference. AnchorSendEnvelopeSendEnvelope

(3) Send Envelope


With the last step of creating and sending an envelope you get a summary, document list and notification setting of the envelope.

  • Summary
    • Envelope Name
    • Recipients and Tasks: by clicking on a recipient you see the message which will be sent to the recipient
  • Documents: List of documents in the envelope
  • Notification Settings
    • Expiration Date of the envelope Image Modified
    • Automatic Reminders: configure reminders for the recipient if he has not fulfilled his tasks
  • General Setting: To use a qualified timestamp server for all recipients


Please see the following figure which shows the configured reminders  in a timeline. Note that the use case one shows the exact configuration which is configured above in the envelope expiration settings. The difference in the second use is that the "warn signers before request expires (in days)" is 5 days instead of 4 which is shown in the configuration above. Summing up the configuration: The point is the first reminder after the envelope was sent. After this first reminder the continuing reminders start. Therefore, as it is configured in the settings above, every second day after the first reminder the recipient will get a reminder for signing the document. If also a reminder is configured before expiration the continuing reminders will orient themselves on this reminder.  This is shown in the second use case. If such a reminder is used, the continuous reminder can be postponed by one day (referring to the last continuous reminder). Overall, the recipient will receive a reminder again two days after the additional reminder .

Expiration TimelineImage RemovedExpiration TimelineImage Added

For more information about the api configuration please also see the beginner guide.



  1. Summary
  2. Notification settings
  3. General settings
  4. Send the envelope


  • Search: enter a text to search the envelopes
  • Status: an icon shows the status of the envelope
  • Actions: direct on-click to sign or continue
  • Export as CSV: export current list of envelopes (e.g. for a reporting)
  • Sort by: recent activity or envelope name
  • Filter: click on a filter from the menu to apply it to the current list. You can easily apply more filters to the selection or remove them one-by-one.


  1. Filter
  2. Search
  3. Status
  4. Export as CSV
  5. Actions


Envelope Finished

Envelope is finished
Envelope Canceled

Envelope is canceled by one of the recipients

Envelope Rejected

Envelope is rejected by one of the recipients

DraftImage Modified

Envelope is a Draft

Waiting For Signing

Waiting for signing

Waiting For Acknowledge

Waiting for acknowledge


Caution (e.g. email bouncing)

Envelope Expired

Envelope is expired


Document Detail Page with highlighted envelope and recipients area.


Document Details

  1. Details
  2. Recipients
  3. Message

Finished envelopes will allow you to download the finished documents and audit trail (log document). If you have the developer mode enabled, you can download the envelope configuration as XML and JSON. The next screenshot shows where you can download the finished document and the audit trail:


Download Documents

  1. Download documents

The audit trail shows all information about the envelope e. g. the general information (status of the envelope, the creation date and more). Moreover, it shows the recipients and all changes made to the document e. g. which signature fields were placed on the document, the information about the time when the workstep was finished and more.


The applied filters are listed at the top and you can remove specific filters by clicking on the “x” or reset all filters.

Filter DocumentImage RemovedFilter DocumentImage Added

Download as CSV


Additional Envelope Features


Bulk Envelopes Image Modified


For further information please see the Bulk Sending Use Case.

This feature allows you to send an envelope to multiple signers. The workflow will be split at this order into unique envelopes for each bulk recipient. This allows you to create a workflow, where the first signer (e.g. head of a department) signs the document and then each of the bulk recipients (e.g. employees of the department) receives a unique document for signing.

Design the Workflow

Design The Workflow

  1. Add a bulk as recipient
  2. Information to upload a CSV
  3. Create a bulk CSV for upload
  4. CSV upload

Create a Bulk CSV with a template

Create Bulk CSV


CSV Recipients

  1. CSV recipients

The import CSV (with PIN authentication) should have the following parameter, where the first line is required as column identifier:


If the Authentication>>Pin is enabled (true) the authentication is activated. The last number is an example value for a parameter for the authentication.

Bulk Recipients

  1. Contains all recipients inside the bulk


Automatic Remote Signatures Image Removed


eSignAnyWhere allows you to use automatic remote signatures to be applied to a document. Details are available in the Beginner Guide. Please contact your Namirial Sales if you are interested in this feature. Image Added

PKCS#7 Signer Image Removed


This is a feature to allow the signer to sign a document with a PKCS#7 signature. You find details in the Beginner Guide.  Image Added

SwissCom On-Demand-Certificate Image Removed


Please contact your Namirial Sales if you are interested in this feature. Image Added

BankId Image RemovedBankId 


Please contact your Namirial Sales if you are interested in this feature. Image Added

Clipboard & Microsoft Office Plugin


You find the Microsoft Office Plugin for download in the top right account menu:

Microsoft Office Plugin

  1. Microsoft Office plugin

Download the plugin and install it:


If you upload a file, it appears in your clipboard. A uploaded clipboard file can be used for one envelope. Therefore, if you click on the button “start envelope” the file will be deleted from the register clipboard.  If the retention period is enabled, the clipboard files are deleted automatically after 24 hours.


Add Ins

  1. Add-Ins

You can find the plugin in “Add-Ins”

PluginImage RemovedPluginImage Added

Configure the user token:
