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What it is
The Registration Authority (RA) solution to manage the entire digital certificates life cycle.
Profile | Description | Element |
Natural person | Software | |
Natural person | Smartcard/Token | |
Natural person | Cloud | |
Natural person | Cloud-QSCD | |
Natural person belonging to an organization | Software | |
Natural person belonging to an organization | Smartcard/Token | |
Natural person belonging to an organization | Cloud | |
Natural person belonging to an organization | Cloud-QSCD | |
Natural person belonging to a professional association | Software | |
Natural person belonging to a professional association | Smartcard/Token | |
Natural person belonging to a professional association | Cloud | |
Natural person belonging to a professional association | Cloud-QSCD | |
Natural person representative | Software | |
Natural person representative (signature only) | Smartcard/Token | |
Natural person representative (signature only) | Cloud-QSCD | |
Natural person representative of legal person with the administration | Software | |
Natural person representative of legal person with the administration | Cloud | |
Natural person representative of legal person with the administration | Smartcard/Token | |
Natural person representative of legal person with the administration | Cloud-QSCD | |
Public employee - Medium level | Cloud/Software | |
Public employee signature - High level | Smartcard/Token | |
Public employee signature - High level | Cloud-QSCD | |
Natural person representative of entity without legal personality with the administrations | Software | |
Natural person representative of entity without legal personality with the administrations | Cloud | |
Natural person representative of entity without legal personality with the administrations | Smartcard/Token | |
Natural person representative of entity without legal personality with the administrations | Cloud-QSCD | |
Electronic seal | Cloud | |
Electronic seal | Software | |
Electronic seal | Cloud-QSCD | |
Electronic seal | Smartcard/Token | |
Electronic seal – Medium Level APE | Cloud/Software | |
Electronic seal – High Level APE | Smartcard/Token | |
Electronic seal – High Level APE | Cloud-QSCD |
Certificate of a natural person issued on a smartcard or a cryptographic token and intended for authentication and electronic signature.
KEY file
: the file containing the certificate private key