[[!sig1:signer1:signature(sigType="AutomaticRemoteSignature"):size(height=50):label("some label")]]
Sample for SiwssComOnDemandCertificate SwissComOnDemandCertificate Signature
[[!sigField1:signer1:signature(sigType="SwissComOnDemandCertificate"):label("some label"):size(width=150,height=60)]]
You can type in any numbers. If you define the same number for “FROM” and “TO” you can only type in the given number. For example if you define 400,00 for “FROM” and “TO” the recipient can only type in this number into the Text Field.
Input Validation
The (optional) input validation definition might be helpful to limit the user input to the expected values. Also check the workstep configuration documentation for accepted formats.
- Date
- Requires a date field for signer1
[[!someDate:signer1:date(format="dd. MMMM yyyy"):range(from="13. März 2018",to="18. December 2019")]]
- range is optional and must match with defined format
- Email
- optional for email field
- Number
[[someNumber:signer:number(decimalPlaces=2,decimalSeparator=comma,thousandsSeparator=point,symbol="€",symbolLocation=endWithBlank):range(from="-300,00 €",to="5.000,00 €")]]
- range, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator, symbol, symbolLocation, are optional
- decimalSeparator: comma, point, apostrophe, none
- thousandsSeparator: comma, point, apostrophe, blank, none
- symbolLocation: start, startWithBlank, end, endWithBlank
- range must match with defined format
- phone
- type: international, internationalLeadingZero, internationalLeadingPlus
- time
- range is optional
- range must match the defined format