Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Added description of date events in the results

This operation allows to consult any EviNotices existing in the system by the following fields (that you can combine or not):

  • Limit [optional]: Maximum number of items to be returned. (Default and max value is 100).
  • Owner [optional]: Filter using the EviNotice's owner email. Only can use it users with role 'SiteUser'.
  • LookupKeys [optional]: A collection of locators used as a filter.
  • State [optional]: Filter using the current EviNotice's state.
    • Submitted
    • Processed
    • Sent
    • Dispatched
    • Delivered
    • Read
    • Replied
    • Closed
    • Failed
  • Outcome [optional]: Filter using the current EviNotice's outcome.
    • None
    • Certified
    • Sent
    • Delivered
    • Read
    • Accepted
    • Rejected
    • Failed
    • Cancelled
    • Refused
  • Cursor [optional]: Cursor token to paginate, provided by us on the first valid query response. You should provide it on the next query to may get the next batched results.


Code Block
titleExample of request
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "Limit": 50,
    "Owner": "",
    "State": "Closed",
    "Outcome": "Failed,
    "LookupKeys": ["dev"],
    "Cursor": "AYDf+lSUutoIvCmEAQbEkUCv1RLwCH0saw=="

The result of this operation will include the following data:

  • Cursor: Cursor token to paginate results.
  • Results: List of EviNotices included in the response (depending on the cursor of the original request):
    • Id: EviNotice's identifier.
    • LinkedId: Grouped identifier of the evidence (it allows to identify sendings in the same request).
    • Subject: Subject of the EviNotice.
    • LookupKey: Locator allocated to the evidence by user at the time of submit.
    • Issuer: Issuer's legal name or company name.
    • IssuerEmail: Sender's email.
    • IssuerPhone: Sender's source phone.
    • RecipientAddress: Recipient's address (an email or a mobile phone in E.164).
    • RecipientDisplayName: Recipient's display name.
    • RecipientLegalName: Recipient's legal name.
    • State: EviNotice's current state.
    • Outcome: Outcome of the EviNotice processing.
    • CreationDate: Creation time/date of the EviNotice.
    • LastUpdateDate: Date/time of last status change.
    • TimeToLive (minutes): Time (in minutes) that the evidence will be available before proceeding to close the tracking of the EviNotice. In those cases in which the notification/contract is accessible via a link, once that period has elapsed and if it has never been accessed, this link is no longer available.
    • AllowRefusal: Indicates whether the receiver can refuse to read the EviNotice.
    • NotaryProfile: Notary’s identifier who will carry out custody at the notary’s office.
    • SourceChannel: Indicates the channel through which the EviNotice was submitted (Web, Api, Smtp).
    • OnlineRetentionPeriod: Time (in years) of online retention.
    • NotaryRetention: Indicates if the EviNotice has notarial custody.
    • NotificationPolicy: Delivery channel of the EviNotice if RecipientAddress is a mobile phone number: 
      • SmsOnly : This value indicates that the channel for sending the EviNotice is by SMS.
      • WhatsAppOnly: This value indicates that the channel for sending the EviNotice is via WhatsApp.
      • SmsThenWhatsApp: This value indicates that the main sending channel is by SMS and in case of failure in all retries the sending is done by WhatsApp.
      • WhatsAppThenSms: This value indicates that the main sending channel is by WhatsApp and in case of failure in all retries the sending is done by SMS.
      • Empty: It is sent by the default channel which is SMS.
    • In addition to the parameters listed above, dates of events that have happened during the lifetime of the EviNotice are also returned: SubmittedOn, ProcessedOn,  DispatchedOn, SentOn, DeliveredOn, ReadOn, RepliedOn, ExpiredOn, AcceptedOn, RejectedOn, FailedOn, ExpiredOn, RefusedOn, ArchivedOn.

Code Block
titleExample of answer
    "Cursor": "AYDf+lSUutoIvCmEAQbEkUCv1RLwCH0saw==",
    "Results": [
            "Id": "018429bc-c406-4091-afd5-12f0087d2c6b",
            "Subject": "Hello world",
            "Issuer": "Evicertia",
            "IssuerEmail": "",
            "IssuerPhone": "EVICERTIA",
            "RecipientAddress": "",
            "RecipientLegalName": "LegalName",
            "RecipientDisplayName": "DisplayName",
            "State": "Closed",
            "Outcome": "Accepted",
            "CreationDate": "2022-10-30T16:32:26.8513550Z",
            "LastUpdateDate": "2022-11-11T19:39:13.0000000Z",
            "SubmittedOn": "2022-10-30T16:32:27.0000000Z",
            "ProcessedOn": "2022-10-30T16:32:35.0000000Z",
            "SentOn": "2022-10-30T16:32:36.0000000Z",
            "DeliveredOn": "2022-10-30T16:41:25.0000000Z",
            "ReadOn": "2022-10-30T17:09:45.0000000Z",
            "RepliedOn": "2022-10-30T17:09:55.0000000Z",
            "ExpiredOn": "2022-11-11T19:39:13.0000000Z",
            "AcceptedOn": "2022-10-30T17:09:55.0000000Z",
            "ArchivedOn": "2022-11-11T19:39:15.0000000Z",
            "TimeToLive": 10080,
            "AllowRefusal": true,
            "SourceChannel": "Web",
            "OnlineRetentionPeriod": 1,
            "NotaryRetentionPeriod": true

Code Block
titleExample of request with cursor
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

    "Cursor": "AYDf+lSUutoIvCmEAQbEkUCv1RLwCH0saw=="