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The Recipients Page is used to define the general data of the envelope, and the signature workflow.


The envelope section contains basic data valid for the entire envelope, such as the envelope name (visible in the eSignAnyWhere WebUI), or the team sharing configuration. Read more about team sharing in the chapter about Team Configuration.

In the envelope settings you can configure the notification settings and the agreement configuration.

Additionally it is possible to configure the sealing certificate for the envelope. For more information please see Custom Sealing Certificate (since 23.49)

The agreement configuration is controlling if (and which) agreement texts are presented to signers and PKCS7 signers, after authentication in case an authentication method is configured. Please consider that agreement configurations are valid for signer activities only. In case of other activity types such as "Copy Recipient" or "Must View" activities, the acknowledge dialog is not displayed.

Please note: You can either use the organization agreement settings or configure a new agreement configuration for an envelope. Read Agreements Configuration about how to configure agreement texts on organization level.


  • PDF (by default)
  • In SaaS, with optional Document Converter installed, also the following other formats which are then converted to PDF:
    • Microsoft Office files from Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Powerpoint (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx)
    • Microsoft Office files in legacy file format from Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Powerpoint (.doc, .xls, .ppt)
    • Open Document Formats (.odt, .ods, .odp) no longer supported
    • Text Files (.txt, .xml, .md)
    • Images (.tif, .png, .jpg, .gif, .jp2, .emf)


  • Advanced Document Tags, inserting interactive fields and assigning them to a recipient
    Read more about Advanced Document Tags in the "Text Placeholders Story".
  • Sig-String placeholder notation, inserting signature fields but not assigning them directly
  • AcroForm Fields contained in the PDF, including signature fields. Those are also detected but not assigned to a recipient directly.


  • entries from (personal) address book - see Settings - Address Book
  • entries from organization-wide list of users
  • recently used recipients



Please note: If "Require view all content before form filling" is enabled the sequence mode will automatically switch to "sequence enforced". Consequently, enabling this setting will enforce the sequence of all tasks.

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All active languages as defined in Settings-Localization can be selected as recipient language. See Localization Settings for more details. But note that a recipient's configured language in the account settings is considered, in case the recipient has a user account on the same instance (not necessarily within the same organization). The configured recipient language will be ignored in this case.



The meta data section is available only when its usage is allowed in Organization Settings (Section "Recipient Settings", Flag "Allow to set envelope meta data"). In addition, the Meta Data section will be hidden when a "Default redirect url before sending a draft" is defined in Settings-Organization. A custom page before sending is a customer specific integration, which can e.g. implement a dialog asking for metadata in a specific format showing a convenient UI, instead of just expecting the sender to define a free-hand XML or other desired specific format.
