Cursor (string)
The cursor token for this query, which can be used in subsequent requests to continue retrieving results.
HashMoreResults (boolean):
This field indicates if there are more results that are not shown in the list.
Results (IEnumerable<Batch>)
A collection of batch records matching the query parameters. Each batch has the following properties:
Id (Guid):
Status Unique identifier of the batch.
State (string): The current state of the batch (e.g.,
).Description (string): A descriptive text identifying the batch.
TotalCount (int): Total number of recipients in the batch.
ScheduledFor (datetime): The date and time the batch is scheduled for processing.
StartedOn (datetime): The date and time the batch started processing.
OwnerEmail BatchId (Guid): Unique identifier of the batch.
Submitter (string): Email of the batch's owner.
BatchId (Guid): Unique identifier of the batch.
User who created the batch.
SubmitterId (Guid): Identifier of the issuing user.
SiteId (Guid): Identifier of the site to which the lot belongs
SiteName (string): Name of the site to which the lot belongs
CreationDate (DateTime): Date of batch creation.
StartedOn (DateTime): Date on which batch processing begins.
ProcessedOn (DateTime): Date on which the batch process was completed.
TotalSent (int): Number of EviMail sent correctly.
TotalFailed (int): Number of failed EviMail during the sending process.
Request Example
Basic Query:
Code Block |
{ "Cursor": "eyJwb3NpdGlvbiI6NzA=", "Results": [ { "Id": "01934531-4851-4ea8-8113-df643872222a", "State": "Processed", "Submitter": "desarrollo.negocio@evicertia.com", "SubmitterId": "00005058-3e63-42cf-aa2c-a3160034a66f", "SiteId": "426eccb1-a677-4ea7-b9fe-afe800b8f4bc", "Status "SiteName": "certified-communications", "From": "Scheduledmy from <customfrom@mydomain.com>", "Description": "MonthlyBatch newsletterinvitation batchmailing", "TotalCountCreationDate": 1500"2024-11-19T16:11:17.9870820+00:00", "ScheduledFor": "2024-11-20T09:19T16:50:00.0000000+00:00Z00", "StartedOn": "2024-11-19T08:00:00Z19T16:50:40.0000000+00:00", "ProcessedOn": "2024-11-19T16:55:10.0000000+00:00", "LastUpdated": "2024-11-19T16:55:10.0000000+00:00", "TotalCount": 4, "TotalSent": 4, "TotalFailed": 0 }, { "Id": "01934531-4851-4ea8-8113-df6438722444a", "State": "Processed", "OwnerEmailSubmitter": "owner@exampledesarrollo.negocio@evicertia.com", "BatchIdSubmitterId": "a5b1f3f200005058-5c733e63-4b6d42cf-88b9aa2c-73d81a9c5f8ea3160034a66f", }, "SiteId": "426eccb1-a677-4ea7-b9fe-afe800b8f4bc", { "SiteName": "certified-communications", "StatusFrom": "Completedmy from <customfrom@mydomain.com>", "Description": "WelcomeBatch emailsinvitation batchmailing", "TotalCountCreationDate": 500"2024-11-19T16:11:17.9870820+00:00", "ScheduledFor": "2024-11-15T10:19T16:50:00.0000000+00:00Z00", "StartedOn": "2024-11-15T10:19T16:50:40.0000000+00:00Z00", "OwnerEmailProcessedOn": "owner@example.com2024-11-19T16:55:10.0000000+00:00", "BatchIdLastUpdated": "b8f3c2e12024-7d2b-4a6c-bd85-d9c5e9f9c7f2"11-19T16:55:10.0000000+00:00", "TotalCount": 4, "TotalSent": 4, "TotalFailed": 0 } ] } |
Cursor for Pagination:
token returned in the response must be used in subsequent queries to fetch the next set of results.Example: If the first query returns 50 results and a cursor, use the cursor in the next query to fetch the following 50 results.
Limit Validation:
Ensure the
parameter is between1
. Requests exceeding this range will return an error.
Sorting Order:
Use the
parameter to control sorting:0
for ascending (e.g., oldest to newest).1
for descending (e.g., newest to oldest).
Filtering Flexibility:
for granular filtering to retrieve specific records efficiently.