Table of Contents | ||
Defined templates for all the supported notification types on Meta profile.
Valid credentials for Namirial WhatsApp Gateway.
Valid FileHoster configuration in _globalXML
Enable WhatsApp feature flag in eSignAnyWhere (AllowWhatsAppNotification) and optionally allow WhatsApp for bulk if required by enabling (BulkEnvelopesWithWhatsAppNotifications).
For more information about the feature flags please see /wiki/spaces/eSign/pages/91992775
Max character length for the header: 60
Max character length for the body: 1024
Max character length for the button label: 25
Max character length for the button link (base url): 2000
Code Block | ||
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<notificationPlugin customPluginId="whatsapp" isDefault="0"> <enabled values="0;1">1</enabled> <assembly>COMPLETE_PATH_TO_namirial.Plugin.Notification.WhatsApp.dll</assembly> <type>namirial.Plugin.Notification.WhatsApp.WhatsApp</type> <pluginConfiguration> <NetworkConfiguration> <NamirialWhatsappGatewayBaseUrl>LINK_TO_NAMIRIAL_WHATSAPP_GATEWAY</NamirialWhatsappGatewayBaseUrl> </NetworkConfiguration> <LocalizationsDirectory>DIRECTORY_PATH_OF_XLIFF_FILES</LocalizationsDirectory> </pluginConfiguration> </notificationPlugin> |
Notification templates mapping JSON
Info |
In case both the default Namirial Meta Account is used, and the default notification texts are used, pre-created mapping JSON exists. Please see below a sample for demo.esignanywhere.net For more information please contact us. |
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The JSON for the template mapping between eSAW’s Notification Types and Meta’s Template Ids.
Example of the mapping JSON
Code Block | ||
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{ "Templates": [{ "NotificationType": "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NAME", "WhatsAppTemplateId": "TEMPLATE_ID", "Params": [] }, { "NotificationType": "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NAME", "WhatsAppTemplateId": "TEMPLATE_ID", "Params": [ "#PARAM1#" ] }, { "NotificationType": "NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NAME", "WhatsAppTemplateId": "TEMPLATE_ID", "Params": [ "#PARAM1#", "#PARAM2#" ] } ] } |
Please find the available notification types for whatsapp channel in the table below:
Notification Type | Usage | Default Template |
Deleted Recipient | Notifies the recipient that the recipient has been removed from a signing task of an envelope | Header: You have been removed from the signing task Body: You have been removed from the signing task in envelope "#EnvelopeName#" |
Disclaimer (Download Link) | Notifies the recipient and contains a link to download legally required information about issuance of the disposable certificate. | Header: Legal Information Body: Additional legal documents for the envelope "#EnvelopeName#" are available. Link will expire at #UrlExpiration# Button label: Download legal info Button Url: #UrlDownload# |
Envelope cancelled | Notifies the recipient about a cancelled envelope | Header: Envelope has been cancelled Body: The envelope "#EnvelopeName#" has been cancelled. Button label: Open Envelope Button Url: #Url# |
Envelope deleted | Notifies the recipient about a deleted envelope | Header: Envelope has been deleted Body: The envelope "#EnvelopeName#" has been deleted by the sender. |
Envelope expired (recipient) | Notifies the recipient about an expired envelope | Header: Envelope expired Body: The envelope "#EnvelopeName#" has expired. |
Envelope reset (parallel recipient) | Notifies the recipient who is currently working on an opened envelope, that the envelope was locked and the data reset by the envelope sender in a parallel scenario | Header: Envelope has been reset Body: Your changes in envelope #EnvelopeName# have been reset by the envelope sender! Button label: Open Envelope Button Url: #Url# |
Must view | Notifies the recipient about an envelope, which needs to be viewed | Header: Document View Request Body: Please press the button below to confirm that you received the document. This will also open the document. In the document view you can download the document. Button label: Confirm Receipt Button Url: #Url# |
Ready for signing (parallel recipient) | Notifies the recipient that the previous signer has finished the envelope | Header: Previous signer has finished the envelope Body: The previous signer has finished the envelope "#EnvelopeName#". Button label: Open Envelope Button Url: #Url# |
Sign Reminder | The template is used only to define a prefix for the mail subject, when sending a reminder. | Header: Reminder: Document signing request Body: Your signature is required for a document. Open by using following link: Button label: Open Document Button Url: #Url# |
Sign Delegation Reminder | The template is used only to define a prefix for the mail subject, when sending a reminder. | Header: Reminder: Document signing request Body: #DelegatorName# has delegated this document to you to sign. Button label: Open Document Button Url: #Url# |
Must View Reminder | The template is used only to define a prefix for the mail subject, when sending a reminder. | Header: Reminder: Document View Request Body: Please press the button below to confirm that you received the document. This will also open the document. In the document view you can download the document. Button label: Confirm Receipt Button Url: #Url# |
Send copy of finished envelope to CC recipient | Notifies the CC recipient about finished envelope and includes download link | Header: Copy of signed envelope Body: The envelope "#EnvelopeName#" has been signed. This message was sent by #SenderFirstName# #SenderLastName#. Button label: Download envelope Button Url: #UrlDownload# |
Send copy of finished envelope to CC recipient (non-registered) | Notifies the non-registered CC recipient about finished envelope and includes download link | Header: Copy of signed envelope Body: The envelope "#EnvelopeName#" has been signed. This message was sent by #SenderFirstName# #SenderLastName#. Button label: Download envelope Button Url: #UrlDownload# |
Sign | Sent to the recipient to invite him to sign a document. | Header: Document signing request Body: Your signature is required for a document. Open by using following link: Button label: Open Document Button Url: #Url# |
Sign delegated envelope | Notifies the recipient about delegation of an envelope for signing | Header: Document signing request Body: #DelegatorName# has delegated this document to you to sign. Button label: Open Document Button Url: #Url# |
Test notification | Test notification which notifies if the configuration for the notification channel is set up correctly |
Max character length for the header: 60
Max character length for the body: 1024
Max character length for the button label: 25
Header: Test notification Body: This notification confirms that the plugin has been set up successfully. |
The Id of the template defined on Meta’s account to be used for a specific notification type.