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This product section is only visible if the user has the following permission enabled (either by a predefined or a custom role):

  • User can view notification templates

For more information please also seeĀ Roles and Permissions.


Template nameUsage
MASTER TEMPLATEMaster template (defines the basic layout of all notifications)
Automated delegation infoNotifies the sender about an automatically forwarded envelope
Backup notificationNotifies the user that a backup is available for download in the organization settings
Confirm delegationNotifies the sender of an envelope about a delegation, which requires a confirmation
Delegation infoNotifies the sender of an envelope about a delegation, which does not require explicit confirmation
Deleted RecipientNotifies the recipient that the recipient has been removed from a signing task of an envelope
Delivery failure of envelope

Notifies the sender that an envelope did not reach the recipient

Possible reasons: Mailbox unavailable, insufficient storage, exceeded storage allocation

Delivery failure of envelope to CC recipient

Notifies the sender that sending a copy of the finished envelope to the CC recipient failed

Possible reasons: Mailbox unavailable, insufficient storage, exceeded storage allocation

DisclaimerNotifies the recipient and contains legally required information about issuance of the disposable certificate
Envelope cancelledNotifies the recipient about a cancelled envelope
Envelope completedNotifies the sender about a completed envelope
Envelope deletedNotifies the recipient about a deleted envelope
Envelope expired (recipient)Notifies the recipient about an expired envelope
Envelope expired (sender)Notifies the sender about an expired envelope and how many recipients have signed till expiration
Envelope faultedNotifies the sender about an unexpected error
Envelope limit alertNotifies the user about the envelope limit in percent
Envelope openedNotifies the sender that the recipient opened an envelope
Envelope rejectedNotifies the sender that an envelope has been rejected by the recipient
Envelope reset (parallel recipient)Notifies the recipient who is currently working on an opened envelope, that the envelope was locked and the data reset by the envelope sender in a parallel scenario
Envelope retentionNotifies the user about all envelopes which will be removed from the system due to the retention period settings
Envelope signedNotifies the sender about a signed envelope
Envelope viewedNotifies the sender that a recipient has viewed an envelope
Forgot user passwordNotifies the user about a password reset request and includes reset link to continue
Initial OAuth verification requestSends a verification link to a user when it has been linked to an OAuth provider. This verification must be done once before the OAuth provider can be used by the user.
License expiredNotifies all user managers about the expired license
License will expireNotifies all user managers that the license will expire soon
Must viewNotifies the recipient about an envelope, which needs to be viewed
New user accountNotifies a new user of the registration request and includes validation link to continue
OAuth user assignment invalidation informationNotifies administrators about invalidated oauth user assignments
Ready for signing (parallel recipient)Notifies the recipient that the previous signer has finished the envelope
ReminderThe template is used only to define a prefix for the mail subject, when sending a reminder.
The body of the "Remind" template will not be used, as the standard mail body from the "Sign", "Sign (with dynamic app links)", "Sign delegated envelope" is used to send reminders to the recipient.
Send copy of finished envelope to CC recipientNotifies the CC recipient about finished envelope and includes download link
Send copy of finished envelope to CC recipient (non-registered)Notifies the non-registered CC recipient about finished envelope and includes download link
Send signer list to CC recipientNotifies the CC recipient about all recipients who signed the envelope
Send signer list to CC recipient (non-registered)Notifies the non-registered CC recipient about all recipients who signed the envelope
SignSent to the recipient to invite him to sign a document.
Note that instead of Sign, the "Sign (with dynamic app links)" template is used as at least one of the envelope's API parameters Recipient.AddAndroidAppLink, Recipient.AddIosAppLink,Recipient.AddWindowsAppLink is true.
Sign (dynamic app links)Used instead of "Sign" as soon as at least one of the parameters Recipient.AddAndroidAppLink, Recipient.AddIosAppLink,Recipient.AddWindowsAppLink is true.
Has an implemented logic to remove the HTML elements with id "android", "ios", "windows" from the email body whenever the corresponding app link should not be shown according to the API request when sending the envelope.
Sign delegated envelopeNotifies the recipient about delegation of an envelope for signing
Sign delegated envelope (includes message)Notifies the recipient about delegation of an envelope and includes a delegation reason
User invitationNotifies a new user about an invitation to an eSAW organization
User's access deniedNotifies all user managers about the users who have been disabled
