- Date
- Requires a date field for signer1
[[!someDate:signer1:date(format="dd. MMMM yyyy"):range(from="13. März 2018",to="18. December 2019")]]
- range is optional and must match with defined format
- Email
- optional for email field
- Number
[[someNumber:signer:number(decimalPlaces=2,decimalSeparator=comma,thousandsSeparator=point,symbol="€",symbolLocation=endWithBlank):range(from="-300,00 €",to="5.000,00 €")]]
- range, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator, symbol, symbolLocation, are optional
- decimalSeparator: comma, point, apostrophe, none
- thousandsSeparator: comma, point, apostrophe, blank, none
- symbolLocation: start, startWithBlank, end, endWithBlank
- range must match with defined format
- phone
- type: international, internationalLeadingZero, internationalLeadingPlus
- time
- range is optional
- range must match the defined format