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titleDescription of the "Communication template management" screen

Description of the "Communication template management" screen

The screen consists of:

  • 6 tabs that represent the states that a template can have, these states can be:

    • Active  :  It has been approved and is available for use.

    • Draft  : It is in the process of being developed, it has not been sent for approval. It is not available for use.

    • Pending  : It is in the process of being approved. It is not available for use.

    • Deactivated : It has been approved but has been disabled by the site administrator user. It is not available for use.

    • Rejected : It has not passed the approval process, in its detail the reasons are shown. Not available for use.

  • Button to create new template

    • This button allows you to start the creation of a new template.Rejilla con las plantillas creadas.

    • This grid varies in columns depending on the active tab.

    • Draft: 

      • Type: Displays the type of communication associated with the template (can be Signature Request, Reminder Request, Final Notification or Progress Notification).

      • Identificador: Muestra el identificador único de la plantilla, en un sitio no puede haber dos identificadores iguales, se usa para hacer referencia a la plantilla desde el API.

      • Last modification: Displays the date and time of the last template update.

      • Edit: Allows you to edit the template.

      • Delete: Allows you to delete a template.

  • Pendings:

    • Type: Displays the type of communication associated with the template (can be Signature Request, Final Notification or Progress Notification).

    • Identifier: Shows the unique identifier of the template, in a site there cannot be two equal identifiers, it is used to make reference to the template from the API.

    • Approval request date: Shows the date and time the template was sent for approval.

    • View template: Access icon to view the template detail, the template cannot be modified.

  • Active :

    • Type: Displays the type of communication associated with the template (can be Signature Request, Final Notification or Progress Notification).

    • Identifier: Shows the unique identifier of the template, in a site there cannot be two equal identifiers, it is used to make reference to the template from the API.

    • Activation date: Shows the date and time when the template was approved.

    • View template: Access icon to view the template detail, the template cannot be modified.

    • Deactivate: Allows you to deactivate a certain template.

  • Deactivated:

    • Type: Displays the type of communication associated with the template (can be Signature Request, Final Notification or Progress Notification).

    • Identifier: Shows the unique identifier of the template, in a site there cannot be two equal identifiers, it is used to make reference to the template from the API.

    • Deactivation Date: Shows the date and time when the template was deactivated.

    • View template: Access icon to view the template detail, the template cannot be modified.

    • Activate: Allows to activate a certain template.

    • Delete: Allows the deletion of a template, two months after its deactivation.

  • Rejected:

    • Type: Displays the type of communication associated with the template (can be Signature Request, Final Notification or Progress Notification).

    • Identifier: Shows the unique identifier of the template, in a site there cannot be two equal identifiers, it is used to make reference to the template from the API.

    • Rejection date: Shows the date and time when the template was rejected.

    • Rejection date: Shows the date and time when the template was rejected.

    • Draft: Allows the deletion of a template, two months after its deactivation.

titleCreate new template

Create new template

Pressing the button a modal window opens, allowing the creation of a new template.

The modal screen consists of two tabs: detail and preview. 

  • Detail: Tab where the template is configured, with the following data Template type, identifier, content and variables (system and user).

  • Preview: Tab where the user checks if the configuration is correct, before sending the template for approval. It is necessary to save the template data before going to the preview tab.



  • Template Type : This selection field allows the user to select the type of template, this type informs about the use that will be given to the email generated with the template. The types of templates that a user can select are the following:

    • SignatureRequest (SignatureRequest): For signature request emails sent to EviSign signers.

    • Final Notification (FInalNotification): For final notification emails sent to signatories of an EviSign.

    • Progress (Progress): For email communications that inform the signer and sender about the progress of an EviSign (Rejections, Signatures, Expirations).

    • SignatureReminder (SignatureReminder): For signature reminder emails.

    • Notification Template (NotificationTemplate): To customize EviNotice notification e-mails

  • Template identifier: This field allows the user to set an identifier to the template, this identifier is necessary to inform to make use of the template, for a site there cannot be two equal identifiers.

  • Template content: This field is where the user will create the communication template, this template will be defined with HTML, and may include Liquid programming language content.

  • Variables: The content of templates can contain variables, which during output can be reported by assigning them a value. There are two types of variables

    • Environment variables: These are variables that are currently used by the environment to compose a template, these variables contain specific data of the issued evidence. See more details of this type of variables in the section "Template variables".

    • User variables: These variables are created by the user when creating the template. They are used within the template content to report data that system variables can report. 

Once the user has selected the type of template, entered an identifier, configured the content of the template with the appropriate variables, the result can be previewed by pressing the save button. .

In the preview screen, a Grid will appear, with the mandatory system variables for that type of template and the user variables that have been previously configured. Next to these variables a text box allows you to edit values to see how the result would look like when rendering the template. 

To view the template, the user must click on the preview button. . At this point the system will render the HTML of the content, replace the variables with the test values and display it on the screen.


At this point the user can decide whether to make any further modifications to the template or "Request Approval".  Pressing the button a validation process starts in which there will be an automatic validation and a manual validation.

  • Automatic validation: The system checks that the content of the template is correctly configured, that the mandatory system variables have been used for that type of template, and that no non-allowed components are being used (see restricted components).

  • Manual validation: Our support staff checks in an exhaustive way, supported by documentation, that the content of the template is in accordance with the type of template selected. Once the template has been checked and found to be correct, the support staff approves the template and it becomes active.

titleDelete template

Delete template

A template can be deleted when it is in draft or deactivated status, in the case of deactivated status it can only be deleted when a period of two months has passed, as this is the maximum life time of an EviSign.

  • Draft: A template can be deleted as long as it is in draft status. To do so, it can be deleted directly from the Grid by clicking on the icon

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    of the template or by going to edit template

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     and pressing the delete button 

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  • Deactivated: A deactivated template can only be deleted when it has been deactivated for a period of two months. A template can be deleted from the Template Grid, by clicking on the icon

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    or within the detail of the same

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    , by pressing the button

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titleState flow of a template

State flow of a template

A linear diagram of the states through which a template can pass is shown below.
