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Web service parameters

This operation allows to submit from EVICERTIA an EviSign contract with the following data:

  • LookupKey[optional]: Identifier allocated by the user, it can be used later to locate an evidence through the query web service (EviSignQuery).
  • Subject: Subject of the contract to be sent.
  • Document: Document or contract to be signed by the parties (in PDF format).
  • SigningParties: List of signers of the document, with the following data for each signer:
    • Name: Full name of the person who must sign the document/contract.
    • Address: E-mail address or telephone number of the signer, to which the signature request will be sent.
    • SigningOrder: Order in which the signers will have the opportunity to sign the document and attachment(s) where appropriate. If not specified, it will be sent to all of them at the same time. It is a positive integer, and the same value can be specified for more than one signer. This allows a particular group of signers to sign at the same time, even before or after other signers sign.
    • SigningMethod: Type of signature to request. [More information on section "Examples and further information about parameters"]:
      • Challenge: Challenge question/answer. The operation will be carried out if the question selected as challenge by the issuer to be answered correctly.
      • EmailPin: Security code PIN sent to e-mail. The operation will be carried out after identifying the user that accesses or signs, requesting a random PIN sent to his e-mail address.
      • Handwriting: Digitalized signature. Handwritten digitalized signature or dynamic biometrics signature, depending on the capture device.
      • MobilePin: Security code PIN sent to mobile phone. The operation will be carried out after identifying the user that accesses or signs, requesting a random PIN sent to his mobile phone.
      • WebClick: Click in web through safe link or locator. The operation will be carried out if the reference or locator of the message is known.
      • Other values ​​that should only be reported if the corresponding method has been selected are as follows:
        • PhoneNumber: Mobile phone number to send the PIN to when the signing method is MobilePin.
        • AllowVoicePinFallback: It indicates whether the signer can choose to be informed of the signature PIN by voice call, in case PIN forwarding is requested. Only applicable when the signature method is MobilePin.
        • WhatsAppPinPolicy: Indicates the default value for the PIN sending policy by WhatsApp. It only applies when the signature method is MobilePin.
          • Disabled: The WhatsApp channel is not enabled to send the PIN. Corresponds to the Normal delivery policy (by SMS).
          • Optional: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN as an alternative to SMS.
          • Fallback: The WhatsApp channel is enabled to send the PIN only on retry.
        • SignDelivery: Obsolete. Since August 2018 this parameter is obsolete and is only maintained for backward compatibility reasons. You must use the SignStep parameter that is explained on this page.
        • EmailAddress: Email account to send the PIN to when the chosen method is EmailPin.
        • SignatureChallenge: Question asked when the signature method is Challenge.
        • SignatureChallengeResponse: Answer to the previous question.
        • AddressType: Via by which you want to notify the signer. It can be through a phone number "PhoneNumber" or an email account "Email".
